Caledon Community Meeting for 2023-11-11

13:42 Phrynne hello Nyree, Word
13:43 Wordsmith Jarvinen Hi Phrynne and Nyree
13:49 NeoBokrug Elytis Hiya folks. :)
13:50 Zahra Ethaniel Hi Nyree and Word :)
13:50 Zahra Ethaniel Hi Phrynne : )
13:50 Zahra Ethaniel Hey there Guv!
13:51 Zahra Ethaniel Greetings Frigid
13:52 NeoBokrug Elytis I shall AFK for a moment, to grab some water. :)
13:52 Frigid Cryotank Zathra, good afternoon.
13:54 Nyree Rain Greetings everyone.
13:54 Zahra Ethaniel Hi Nyree :)
13:54 Nyree Rain Long time no see, Frigid.
13:54 Frigid Cryotank Okay to rez a chair?
13:54 Nyree Rain hi Owlie!
13:54 Zahra Ethaniel Hi Owlie
13:55 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) Greetings Nyree! Hi Zahra!
13:55 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) Hello everyone!
13:55 NeoBokrug Elytis Yeah, feel free to rez a chair. :)
13:55 Zahra Ethaniel Hello Elfbiter and Dreamcircle
13:56 Zahra Ethaniel Hi Kay :)
13:56 KayCooper Hello everyone :)
13:57 Phrynne back with soup
13:57 Tora the Explorer (toraona.thane) hiya! thanks, elf. i was just about to im you for a tp
13:57 Tora the Explorer (toraona.thane) hiya word!
13:57 Zahra Ethaniel Hello Tora
13:57 Zahra Ethaniel wb Phyrnne :)
13:57 Phrynne :)
13:57 Cychwynn Good evening all
13:57 Tora the Explorer (toraona.thane) hiya dream and zahra and Phyrnne and Owlie!
13:58 Ðrєåmçίrçlє (dreamcircle57) Good evening
13:58 Zahra Ethaniel Greetings Kyoko and Kara
13:58 Tora the Explorer (toraona.thane) ok, i can't keep up. howdy to all the beautiful peeps show up!
13:58 Tora the Explorer (toraona.thane) monsieur trebuchet!!! it's been so long!! :-P
13:58 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) Hugs Zahra. Greetings everyone.
13:58 KayCooper Hi Cychwynn :)
13:59 Tora the Explorer (toraona.thane) hiya Aury!
13:59 Cychwynn Hello Kay!!!
13:59 Monsieur Trebuchet (oxbridgegroundskeeper) Hey Tora! Phrynne, Word, Elfbiter, Owlie, Frigid, Kara, Cychwynn, Kyoko, Neo, Aury, Nyree....
13:59 Monsieur Trebuchet (oxbridgegroundskeeper) Everyone! <3
13:59 Phrynne hi Neo
13:59 Monsieur Trebuchet (oxbridgegroundskeeper) Zahra and DReamcircle too
13:59 Zahra Ethaniel Hello Cychwynn and Aury
13:59 Aury (aurysa) hello everyone!
13:59 Monsieur Trebuchet (oxbridgegroundskeeper) (ember here)
13:59 Tora the Explorer (toraona.thane) hey neo san!! howdy!
13:59 Monsieur Trebuchet (oxbridgegroundskeeper) Harper, hello! <3
13:59 KayCooper Hi Ember :)
13:59 Zahra Ethaniel Hello Ember :)
14:00 Harperlass shouts Hello everyone
14:00 Monsieur Trebuchet (oxbridgegroundskeeper) Can hear you!
14:00 Cychwynn Hello Harper!!
14:00 Harperlass shouts oops sorry
14:00 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) Greetings everyone
14:00 Zahra Ethaniel Hi Harperlass :)
14:00 Tora the Explorer (toraona.thane) hiya Harper
14:00 Harperlass pardon everyone I was cheering at a Quidditch game before
14:00 Zahra Ethaniel Hugs Glori tight :)
14:00 Cychwynn sounds funHarper!
14:00 Gloriana Maertens Zahra! ::hugs::
14:01 NeoBokrug Elytis Good afternoon everyone. I'll wait a couple more minutes before we start, to let the fashionably late people show up. :)
14:01 Zahra Ethaniel Hi Mari :)
14:01 Gloriana Maertens Hello everyone!
14:01 Mari Moonbeam Hello !!
14:01 Gyel Llewellyn Hello!
14:01 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) Hugs Mari
14:01 Ms. Kellan McKenna (kellan.mckenna) Hello everyone!
14:02 Zahra Ethaniel Hello Ms Kellan :)
14:02 NeoBokrug Elytis Feel free to rez a chair or somethin', or stand if it suits you. I'm technically still moving in to the mansion. Something I've put on the backburner for a bit.
14:03 Ms. Kellan McKenna (kellan.mckenna) Hello Zahra!
14:03 NeoBokrug Elytis Start thinking of the hard questions to ask me. Usually the way I host these meetings if I rattle off some stuff about something, pause for questions regarding that, and then we move on to another topic, pause for questions, and then I sort of have an open-floor near the end for RP and events discussions, once all major questions are asked.
14:04 NeoBokrug Elytis If I seem slow today, I've got a headache brewin' -- but I should be able to do this. Just bear with me. To start I'll blather on about what happened this past month, estate wise...
14:05 NeoBokrug Elytis Regarding occupancy, we're not 100% anymore, but there are a few parcels available. A few small parcels in Southend, one big one in Caledon and one big one in Caledon II.
14:06 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Hm. Region does not like some of my chairs..
.[14:06] NeoBokrug Elytis: Since occupancy is ridiculously high in Caledon, and I know some people are looking for more prims in the region they're in. I think this next week I am going to work on a tool to notify people who have direct-sharing-borders parcels' neighbors first, wait 48 hours, then notify others in the same regions.
14:07 NeoBokrug Elytis Alternatively, folks can check the inworld map daily.
14:07 NeoBokrug Elytis As parcels have become available, I have been making adjustments to infrastructure. Nibbling bits of land off here and there to reach an infrastructure LI goal that I have for regions.
14:08 NeoBokrug Elytis Before I go on, any questions about occupancy and available land? :)
14:08 Nyree Rain I like notifying neighbors first.
14:09 NeoBokrug Elytis Yeah, the idea behind that is just something I rez on the land when it is ready. It'll do its notifications, then it'll let others in the region know later, and delete itself.
14:10 NeoBokrug Elytis Movin' on to why I'm nibbling infrastructure LI..
.[14:11] NeoBokrug Elytis: I think more LI that belongs to the commonwealth will allow me to add a bit "more" to the already existing decor, and/or allow me to budget some spendy but nice LI things in each region.
14:12 Tora the Explorer (toraona.thane) excellente!
14:12 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) Makes sense for you to do so, Neo.
14:12 NeoBokrug Elytis I have some regrets about the initial Wastelands regions -- in that I could never redesign them without uprooting them. The same "debt" applies to the very early Caledon regions. So it makes working with them to update them rather difficult.
14:14 NeoBokrug Elytis One thing that I have been able to do is to get Canals in place that you could travel most of the estate. Jorge helped me transfer any bridges I couldn't own, and helped me test an auto-bridge system I built for smaller ships.
14:14 Nyree Rain Love the auto drawbridges
14:14 NeoBokrug Elytis It should work really well, and you can cruise most of the estate on small vessels. There's a couple weird spots still, but I hope that in time we can figure those out.
14:14 Ms. Kellan McKenna (kellan.mckenna) Very nice!!
14:15 Tora the Explorer (toraona.thane) *throws her non-existent hat in the air*
14:15 NeoBokrug Elytis Speaking of, there's a new sort of "dead-end" canal in Mayfair as well. It's not the big official updates I wanted to make; but land became available there and it was really the only opportunity I had to make change there.
14:15 Mari Moonbeam hadn't realized how much I'd missed the water
14:15 Tora the Explorer (toraona.thane) it's so much fun to actually travel around, rather than just teleport
14:15 Zahra Ethaniel It looks lovely there, Neo, thanks!
14:16 Mari Moonbeam Jan calls it an estuary
14:16 Zahra Ethaniel I put out several boat rezzers and a horse rezzer there in Mayfair as well so people can enjoy the water and the grounds
14:16 NeoBokrug Elytis It will look better in time. It became available suddenly, and between that and the Halloween activities (which I will talk about later), I didn't have much time to do things to my satisfaction. For now it's 80% good enough. :)
14:16 Harperlass I am excited by the boating opportunity but meant to ask is my little bridge going to be an issue for anyone? Do I need to change it?
14:17 NeoBokrug Elytis In Southend? Personally, I don't think so. :)
14:17 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) ...bridge over troubled waters...
14:17 Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane) *giggles*
14:18 Zaida Gearbox (zaida.gearbox) there's an island between my house and owlie's castle - why?
14:18 Harperlass nods, Okay, let me know if it is, and I'll try to adjust it
14:18 Gloriana Maertens I've been staring at the canal's block in Vic City between the Library and the Chapel and do want to resolve that.
14:18 Zahra Ethaniel oh that would be great, Glori
14:18 NeoBokrug Elytis Will do, and if we do I can help. :)
14:18 NeoBokrug Elytis That'd be pretty cool.
14:19 Cychwynn in the spirit of travel across land, I used to have a horse rezzer on my plot, it has not been in place since Tanglewood dissapeared, but I might place it back up.
14:19 Gloriana Maertens I'll get with Jorge and work something out.
14:19 Beth Ghostraven tries to figure out which canal Ms Maertens refers to
14:20 Harperlass have a horse rezzer in inventory and can add it in my corner I think, let me look at that.
14:20 Gloriana Maertens Beth: at the northern border leading to Speirling. It's blocked with stonework at the moment but i have a few solutions I'd like to try.
14:20 Zahra Ethaniel I bet Tao would be glad to have some waterway connection for his Tavern, that would be awesome
14:20 Cychwynn ha prob the same I own harper XD
14:20 NeoBokrug Elytis If I can help, let me know. My 2nd best skill in SL is terraforming with the land tools.
14:20 Gloriana Maertens Zahra: and I can shave some from the library.
14:21 Zahra Ethaniel oh nice
14:21 Gloriana Maertens I will - need to talk to Jorge about the apron in front of Hope Chapel.
14:21 Harperlass I have the Teegle one...and there is a dock I put out if anyone needs to put in at Southend there is a place to park a boat just don't leave it so I get in LI trouble
14:21 Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane) NeoGuv, if you could take a look at my IM I sent you and replay there ;)
14:21 Gloriana Maertens Since i'm landscaper for them both i have --ideas-- *shudder*
14:21 Zahra Ethaniel I have the Teegle one over in Mayfair, too, those are such nice horses
14:21 Cychwynn yeah I also have the teegle, I tend to put up in my corner
14:22 NeoBokrug Elytis During meetings I generally do not host 1 on 1 conversations; as it is hard to balance. If you have questions for the meeting, please ask in public. Once the meetings are over I will reply.
14:22 Mari Moonbeam murmurs all the horse manure will make the roses lovely in the spring
14:22 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) Zaida what is the question about the island in Tam?
14:22 Zahra Ethaniel (grins at Mari)
14:22 Oolon Sputnik Good evening.
14:22 NeoBokrug Elytis Wasn't horse manure a feature of the Victorian era?
14:22 Cychwynn XD
14:22 Mari Moonbeam you bet
14:23 Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane) got it NeoGuv
14:23 Beth Ghostraven a feature of every era up to now, Meo
14:23 Beth Ghostraven Neo
14:23 Harperlass it was the reason for high heels and platform shoes :)
14:23 NeoBokrug Elytis Meo is okay too. :)
14:23 Beth Ghostraven lol
14:23 Zaida Gearbox (zaida.gearbox) was it always there? lol
14:24 Zaida Gearbox (zaida.gearbox) i just noticed it and i really want to do something like stick some trees on it to make it look better
14:24 NeoBokrug Elytis I have been working on replacing the cobblestones and rail in Caledon Prime, Caledon II, and Port Caledon. These also have material textures, so they should look good in lighted environments.
14:24 Mari Moonbeam GuvMeow head of the non existent catgirl bridgade
14:24 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) Was it always there? No, that sim when it was a full sim, and now a homestead has been terraformed like mad over the years. the island is more visually pleasing then what it was though.
14:24 Harperlass <snickers
14:24 Nyree Rain No, it should be "MeowGuv"
14:25 Gloriana Maertens claps happily at the mention of "material textures"
14:25 Kamilah Hauptmann Lighting, Neo? Are we ready for that?
14:25 Mari Moonbeam grins
14:25 Harperlass I feel one should wink if one says "Meow, Guv"
14:25 NeoBokrug Elytis Just in time for PBR to come out and make them obsolete.
14:25 Nyree Rain Kind of dreading PBR
14:25 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) Zaida, Neo hasn't gotten to working on the Tam sim yet with all the details. Right now the sim is 'stable' prim wise, so nothing can be added yet to the commonwealth.
14:25 Gloriana Maertens We are deliberately behind the time, NeoGuv. :)
14:26 Mari Moonbeam peanut butter raisin
14:26 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Well, steampun is anachronistic tech...
14:26 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) But I absolutely agree with you, more trees in that sim would be lovely.
14:26 NeoBokrug Elytis Part of the infrastructure work in those regions is to free up prims, as that is VERY ANCIENT. So far I've freed up on average about 200 LI per region.
14:26 Beth Ghostraven waits to see what Katie will do with "steampun"
14:26 Cychwynn Ha
14:27 Phrynne *•.¸('*•.¸ ♥ ¸.•*´)¸.•*
14:27 Phrynne .•*♥´¨`• WOW •´¨`♥*•.
14:27 Phrynne ¸.•*(¸.•*´ ♥ `*•.¸)`*•.¸
14:27 NeoBokrug Elytis I am however, leaving one "original" strip of cobblestone in front of the welcome center in Caledon.
14:27 NeoBokrug Elytis Let me scroll back for questions...
14:28 NeoBokrug Elytis I have plans for many of the regions, and I know everyone is EAGER for updates. The first month was to get the regions "balanced" in terms of what LI is allowed per region.
14:29 NeoBokrug Elytis Which, for the most part ~ We're there-ish. Some regions need a little bit more love in that regard, but I will cross that bridge when I get there.
14:30 Mari Moonbeam no Neo- the bridge will self open and you'll sail thru :)
14:30 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) only has experience with cobblestone in Cubidon Caledon Minecraft
14:30 NeoBokrug Elytis Probably when I visit the region to give if the first pass of updates; which like Caledon Prime, II, and Port -- are all LI reduction efforts while improving existing infrastructure.
14:30 Kamilah Hauptmann plot turning the one original boardwalk prim and making it into a very subtle torus with a subtle twist, then adding a bumpmap.
14:30 NeoBokrug Elytis Kami is an agent of chaos, wanting the LI to explode in to the thousands.
14:30 Oolon Sputnik takes a sly sip from his hip flask.
14:31 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) Like that's a bad thing.
14:31 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) Oh wait, it is.
14:31 NeoBokrug Elytis So I guess the summary of my efforts is this: 1) Get regions balanced. 2) Update and reduce LI on existing infrastructure 3) Do a deep dive into each regions decor. :)
14:32 Mari Moonbeam finds a tribble script--can I use "this"?
14:32 Nyree Rain Kami, you forgot to add the particle emitter.
14:32 Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane) Kami are spirits in Japanese forests that explode to fill the forest so no other creature can get in
14:32 NeoBokrug Elytis We're on phase 2. Which lets me know what I have to work with for phase 3. :)
14:32 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Kami are Shinto spirits and gods.
14:33 Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane) same thing
14:33 Harperlass smiles and drinks her tea, having already spiked the cup, she smiles pleasantly to all
14:34 Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane) only in the shinto tradition you appease them with money ;)
14:34 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) realizes that his three tea cups in RL are cold now
14:34 NeoBokrug Elytis One thing that I find a bit hard, is that I really want the land under the cobblestone to be Commonwealth. It would address a few issues AND get me closer to region LI goals. For the land-owners who hold such parcels under the land, I will probably reach out to them to see if we can come to some arrangements.
14:34 Cychwynn I know that feeling Mr. Elf
14:35 NeoBokrug Elytis Any questions about infrastructure updates before I move on?
14:35 Harperlass I have a question about the land coloring?
14:35 NeoBokrug Elytis Hit me. :)
14:36 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) gives Harperlass rhythm stick
14:36 Harperlass It could just be I don't know what I'm doing, but I'm struggling with getting land below the water line to look sandy? I'm not sure I can adjust it in my land that something I should be able to learn to do?
14:37 Zaida Gearbox (zaida.gearbox) harper i know other sims use some kind of landsculpt for that
14:37 Kamilah Hauptmann That's a regional setting done by quarter sim.
14:37 Kamilah Hauptmann Give me an SLURL and I can go assess the feasibility.
14:37 NeoBokrug Elytis No, it is not something you as a resident can change. It is an estate setting. Land "blending" in SL is.. honestly a giant pain in the butt. It is pseudo-random (based on estate settings), looks different between every login, and every client.
14:38 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) New textures for the different levels would be nice, Neo...if you could just add that your list of things to do that'd be great.
14:38 Nyree Rain Either that or dig deeper to the sand level.
14:38 NeoBokrug Elytis Owlie -- I have poked a few talented friends to consider making PBR textures.
14:38 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) Sweet
14:38 Harperlass Thanks Kamilah, its not a huge priority but it doesn't bug me a little, Nods to Neo too...If you could put it somewhere on the to do list I'd like helps to know its not just that I'm doing it wrong
14:38 Zaida Gearbox (zaida.gearbox) do we know for sure when PBR is going to go live?
14:39 NeoBokrug Elytis Land textures in SL is perhaps the oldest, most untouched system in SL.
14:39 Monsieur Trebuchet (oxbridgegroundskeeper) Oh, Neo - would it be possible to get copies of the land textures to use for matching decor to?
14:39 NeoBokrug Elytis Zaida -- it was supposed to roll out to an RC region this past week. But there was a blocker.
14:39 NeoBokrug Elytis Trebuchet, if possible yes.
14:40 Mari Moonbeam some are TOS protected -ie store bought
14:40 NeoBokrug Elytis Kami, or myself will look into the sand issue, to see if we can fix it a bit without adjusting the whole region.
14:40 NeoBokrug Elytis I forgot to mention, that I have been tidying up little bits of land terraforming as I see them when going around.
14:41 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) sends Neo my land coords so he can fix all my annoying bits of terraforming.
14:41 NeoBokrug Elytis Let me ask one question -- just as a feeler, and if you're uncomfortable answering publicly -- shoot me an IM with your answer before the meeting is over.
14:42 NeoBokrug Elytis For those who live on full regions (not homesteads), would you be willing to pay 20% more tier for 50% more prims? Take your time, answer or don't. I'm just curious.
14:42 Tavish Brock (tavishbrock) Probably
14:43 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) You know I would.
14:43 Tora the Explorer (toraona.thane) sounds like a good thing to me
14:43 Harperlass In a heartbeat
14:43 Nyree Rain While I'd love the prims, not sure I could afford it.
14:43 Cychwynn Neo I am a bit dumb in these matters, could you explain that a bit more, as I don't even know on what type of land i live?
14:43 Tora the Explorer (toraona.thane) can we do that in the wastelands?? :-P
14:43 Gloriana Maertens I'd do it, in a heartbeat.
14:43 NeoBokrug Elytis I want to take a moment to thank everyone who put out Treats for Trick or Treat on Halloween, and I wanted to thank everyone who gave the Halloween quest in The Wastelands a go. I know Wastelanders who came here really enjoyed their time.
14:43 Cychwynn same on maybe not being able to afford also lols
14:43 NeoBokrug Elytis Cychwyn -- not homesteads.
14:44 Nyree Rain Were you thinking of turning them into double prim sims?
14:44 NeoBokrug Elytis Downs, Tam, Neamhai, Speirling, are all homesteads
14:44 NeoBokrug Elytis No, just the 20-30k upgrade. It is on my to-do list.
14:44 Cychwynn Next year Halloween ... i used to set up a free to use carnival in Stormhold, if anyone is interested in it returning I could put it out again next year, this year due to personal reasons i didn't set it up
14:44 NeoBokrug Elytis But I won't do it without a super majority for each region.
14:44 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) Neamhai?
14:45 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) <..looks at world map..
14:45 Zahra Ethaniel I think it is great for more prims, but, I also wonder if that will increase Lag? Since that means more items that will be rezzed.
14:45 NeoBokrug Elytis Oh yeah, I am working on Caledon Carraig Neamhai -- it is a personal project south of Caledon II
14:45 Monsieur Trebuchet (oxbridgegroundskeeper) Having more Halloween attractions in Caledon is always a plus!
14:46 NeoBokrug Elytis Zahra -- all The Wastelands regions are 30k, it is a non-issue as long as every object isn't scripted.
14:46 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) hhmm..Fantastic looking.
14:46 Zahra Ethaniel oh good then
14:46 Monsieur Trebuchet (oxbridgegroundskeeper) (Please don't script every object. It hurts)
14:46 Nyree Rain I wish more people had put out Trick-or-Treat. It was fun to have an excuse to explore.
14:46 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) Oh C'mon Neo, 30K sim...I could fit a lot of breedables on there.
14:46 NeoBokrug Elytis Well, the first Halloween here, shows how fun it is. I think more people will participate next year.
14:46 Mari Moonbeam Maybe let people know if that is a two part increase - 20 % for more prims and if their parcel will be adjusted when the year is up
14:46 Zahra Ethaniel I really enjoyed the Trick or Treat event :) and each gift was really nice
14:47 Tora the Explorer (toraona.thane) it might be a good way to get new people here, and in the wastelands, if we put it out there in the destination guide?
14:47 Harperlass NO OWlie! LOL Hides her Kitties
14:47 NeoBokrug Elytis I have yet to really lean in to promotions. It too is on the to-do list after much of the updates I want to make. :)
14:47 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) grins at Harper...I have some out in Port.
14:47 NeoBokrug Elytis Gotta look good, if you're going to promote.
14:47 Tora the Explorer (toraona.thane) kk :-)
14:47 NeoBokrug Elytis Mari, one big pill to swallow at a time.
14:48 Mari Moonbeam or dim the lights
14:48 Harperlass I struggled to get my self together for Halloween this year Next year I'll know and be ready
14:48 Zahra Ethaniel well, I vote for Mayfair going 30K, but, I might have to let a few parcels go to balance costs :)
14:48 Harperlass If anyone didn't get an owl who wants one let me know I still ahve a few.
14:48 NeoBokrug Elytis Heh yeah. We'll see. Just feelers for now.
14:48 Nyree Rain That's just it, Zahra.
14:48 Monsieur Trebuchet (oxbridgegroundskeeper) Owl's well that ends well
14:48 Nyree Rain And I do like having ground level space.
14:48 Tora the Explorer (toraona.thane) ah ha ha ha
14:49 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) Owl?
14:50 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) Harper gave owl's for trick or treat
14:50 Cychwynn ohh cool
14:50 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) Ooooh.
14:50 NeoBokrug Elytis One other "tradition" I am going to bring from The Wastelands to here, is the Holiday Tree. Basically I invite all RESIDENTS, to place a gift under a community tree, and add a little decor to the tree. Everyone gets 5LI combined for the gift and decoration.
14:50 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) wow.
14:50 KayCooper Love the owls! Ty Harper
14:50 Zahra Ethaniel I love that idea, Neo!
14:50 NeoBokrug Elytis Haha
14:51 NeoBokrug Elytis I have a lot of little community things that -- don't really cost anything, and are just fun little things to participate in (or not).
14:51 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) considers the Sadean holiday ball from Libertine ...
14:51 Monsieur Trebuchet (oxbridgegroundskeeper) makes a note to make an Oxbridge ornament
14:51 Tora the Explorer (toraona.thane) thanks monsieur! that would be a fun thing to have :-)
14:52 NeoBokrug Elytis One resident in The Wastelands has adopted his own version of our tree, so there's two places to decorate. Except his tree is "bleedy the dirtman".
14:52 Tora the Explorer (toraona.thane) hahaha!! irk!
14:52 Nyree Rain Can you guess who might hang a purple dragon ornament?
14:52 NeoBokrug Elytis Irk indeed Tora.
14:52 Zahra Ethaniel Oh my, lol
14:52 NeoBokrug Elytis So hopefully I will be adapting some of the more fun seasonal things we do there, to here.
14:52 Tora the Explorer (toraona.thane) he even made a comic book to go with it. that was a lot of fun
14:52 NeoBokrug Elytis SPEAKING OF.
14:53 Zaida Gearbox (zaida.gearbox) I will have a St Nicholas Day gift on my porch in II on December 6
14:53 NeoBokrug Elytis This upcoming week, we're having the FIRST of our monthly Cross-over events! I have talked with the event hosts to make sure that it is okay for each cross-over. Basically the idea is that Wastelanders are invited here for an event, Caledonians are invited there.
14:54 Kamilah Hauptmann It's a trap.
14:54 Mari Moonbeam bbq?
14:54 Zahra Ethaniel It sounds like a fun trap, though!
14:54 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) What isn't a trap?
14:54 Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane) Nyree -- yep
14:54 NeoBokrug Elytis On Tuesday, Caledonians are invited to Drifters Film Night at the Burnt Oak Drive-In, where he will be showing the ghibli film Luputa Castle in the Sky.
14:54 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) sounds like fun.
14:55 Tora the Explorer (toraona.thane) be careful of wastelander bbq's. you never know what... nevermind. just beware is all
14:55 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) *Laputa
14:55 Mari Moonbeam burnt victorian?
14:55 Cychwynn Ohhh laputa!
14:55 Phrynne LM?
14:55 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) when eating, look around, yuu see any rats....
14:55 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Probably past my midnight anyway
14:55 NeoBokrug Elytis On Wednesday, Watelanders have been invited to the Autumn Splendor Ball -- and oh boy there is overhwelming interest already.
14:55 Zahra Ethaniel I haven't seen that one, yet.
14:55 Cychwynn Same Mr. Elf
14:55 Tavish Brock (tavishbrock) I still think that we need a way to collectively refer to both groups of people. Maybe Wasted Caledonians?
14:56 Tora the Explorer (toraona.thane) yah, elf...
14:56 Zahra Ethaniel chuckles
14:56 NeoBokrug Elytis I will be sending out a notice for the Burnt Oak Drive-In event, probably tomorrow.
14:56 Tora the Explorer (toraona.thane) HAHA tavish!! brilliant!
14:56 Frigid Cryotank Wasted... Caledonians... <snort>
14:56 Zaida Gearbox (zaida.gearbox) snorts
14:56 Cychwynn ha
14:56 Wordsmith Jarvinen Wastedon?
14:57 NeoBokrug Elytis Wastelanders already know about the Ball. Some folks have even pledged to dress thematically. :)
14:57 Tora the Explorer (toraona.thane) we have a group called "wasted raiders", which we use when we go out exploring once a month. wasted Caledonians could be arranged
14:57 NeoBokrug Elytis I am thinking that for now there will be monthly cross-overs. Anyone who's interested in hosting a cross-over event, shoot me an IM, otherwise I'll be reaching out to folks occasionally.
14:58 Zahra Ethaniel's mind is reeling, imagining what Autumn Splendor translates to in the Watelands :)
14:59 Gloriana Maertens That will be a great deal of fun. :)
14:59 NeoBokrug Elytis Finally, I am setting up a Caledon Discord server, that isn't the current one out there, because I want to have a dedicated and properly set up community server. I know Discord isn't for everyone, but it is a great place to organize plans, events, and catch up on things when you're offline from SL. Once i am done with it, I'll make an announcement about that as well.
14:59 Mari Moonbeam very cool
14:59 Cychwynn Fun!
14:59 Ms. Kellan McKenna (kellan.mckenna) Yay!
14:59 Tavish Brock (tavishbrock) Any chance of a bot bridge to ISC?
14:59 Harperlass (for those asking for owls, I am digging in inventory for where I stuck them after clean up...I will get them out to you when I find where I stuck the pumpkin LOL)
14:59 NeoBokrug Elytis What kind Tavish?
15:00 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) bot bridge?
15:00 Monsieur Trebuchet (oxbridgegroundskeeper) I think they mean to relay messages from discord to ISC
15:00 Monsieur Trebuchet (oxbridgegroundskeeper) likely in a specific channel
15:00 Tavish Brock (tavishbrock) A bot that bridges chat between Discord and ISC
15:00 NeoBokrug Elytis Chat: probably not.
15:00 Zahra Ethaniel oh that would be awsome
15:00 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) oh..interesting.
15:00 Kamilah Hauptmann Last time there was talk of a bot bridge there was a violent negative reaction, that was 15 years ago or so the sentiment may be very different now.
15:00 Tavish Brock (tavishbrock) Builder's Brewery has one and it's great
15:00 Monsieur Trebuchet (oxbridgegroundskeeper) No bridges made out of steam powered robots?
15:01 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Depends on how often there is a message
15:01 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) DRD has one with their group and fine.
15:01 Zahra Ethaniel anyway to consolidate channels of communications for different groups is great, I think
15:01 NeoBokrug Elytis I am not 100% opposed to it, but I am wary of it.
15:01 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) you can always undo it.
15:01 Phrynne Discord doesn't bite.
15:02 NeoBokrug Elytis For now, short term plans are to just set up a server, so we can all share steampunk victorian memes from the toilet.
15:02 Frigid Cryotank I had thought there was something in the ToS about relaying in-world chat.
15:02 Tora the Explorer (toraona.thane) hahaha!!!! i never do that! *blushes*
15:02 Zahra Ethaniel The Watercloset, you mean?
15:02 NeoBokrug Elytis The Watercloset.
15:02 Zahra Ethaniel smiles
15:03 NeoBokrug Elytis That's why I am wary Frigid.
15:03 NeoBokrug Elytis I'll put on my lawyer eyes and give the ToS a once-over again.
15:03 Elenabeth Portal Maybe you are thinking of restrictions on IMs?
15:03 NeoBokrug Elytis I think group chats may count as well.
15:03 Kamilah Hauptmann My understanding of the ToS is not repeating private communications in areas controlled by Linden Lab. Dumping it into a forum is outside the scope of the ToS
15:04 Tavish Brock (tavishbrock) Lots and lots of groups post their group chat logs on web pages
15:04 Zahra Ethaniel yes, it would be like relaying a local conversation
15:04 Tavish Brock (tavishbrock) The Lindens do (or did) it
15:04 Frigid Cryotank That the Discord mechanism sends off-world then back in-world.. seems like a spikey loophole. But I'm not a lawyer.
15:04 NeoBokrug Elytis Yeah. Things to consider though!
15:04 NeoBokrug Elytis It helps that I have a lawyer myself. :)
15:05 NeoBokrug Elytis Any questions about anything?
15:06 NeoBokrug Elytis If not, now is a great time to share ideas about role-play, or events you've got coming up.
15:06 NeoBokrug Elytis Basically, the open floor. Folks may be interested in helping if you'd want the help. :)
15:06 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) still hopes to GM TTRPG inworld one of these days
15:07 NeoBokrug Elytis I used to host my own in SL for a while. Deadlands Classic, and Pathfinder. I just finished (as a player) a bit multi-year long campaign last night.
15:07 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) If Stereo were here, she'd mention the Harvest Festival.
15:07 NeoBokrug Elytis Yes! Feel free to mention things on others behalves(sp?) if they are not here!
15:07 Nyree Rain Yes!
15:08 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) I would Use my own world and CORPS system
15:08 Tora the Explorer (toraona.thane) i'd like to hear about that
15:08 Tora the Explorer (toraona.thane) the harvest festival, i mean :-)
15:08 NeoBokrug Elytis Tell us more!
15:08 Wordsmith Jarvinen hold on, I have the poster, since I made it for Stereo
15:08 Nyree Rain waves to Jan
15:08 NeoBokrug Elytis Even better!
15:08 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) Click the thingie behind me.
15:08 Zahra Ethaniel HI Sis
15:08 NeoBokrug Elytis Are we havesting Des?
15:08 Jan Stroikavskoi smiles at Nyree and everyone
15:09 Jan Stroikavskoi Hi Sis :)
15:09 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) no eating Desmond
15:09 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) We are harvesting Des for parts.
15:09 Zahra Ethaniel What was the time of the event?
15:09 Ðrєåmçίrçlє (dreamcircle57) A fashion contest...that's interesting
15:09 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) But not blood.
15:09 NeoBokrug Elytis For a pie?
15:09 Phrynne he's always looked kinda stringy
15:09 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) Mrs. Lovett doesn't live in Caledon.
15:10 Mari Moonbeam moved to Babbage
15:10 Wordsmith Jarvinen ahh Magda rezzed one facing away from us. It has a notecard giver in it
15:10 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) And I'm under an NDA regarding where she does live.
15:10 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) There's also a version of this in the group notices from Stereo.
15:11 Tora the Explorer (toraona.thane) where do we go to get into this group?
15:11 Cychwynn thanks for the notecard
15:11 Mari Moonbeam your parole officer can help
15:11 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) It's in the ISC group, Tora.
15:11 Tora the Explorer (toraona.thane) okies, thanks
15:12 Monsieur Trebuchet (oxbridgegroundskeeper) Independent State of Caledon
15:12 NeoBokrug Elytis The next Caledon Community Meeting looks like it is on December 9th.
15:12 Tora the Explorer (toraona.thane) thanks, mz emb... i mean, monsieur trebuchet!
15:12 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Three days after FInnish Independence Day
15:12 Monsieur Trebuchet (oxbridgegroundskeeper) :-)
15:13 Monsieur Trebuchet (oxbridgegroundskeeper) Ember says hello
15:13 Tora the Explorer (toraona.thane) wave wave wave!
15:13 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) Day after my birthday, and RL will be filled with holiday faires.
15:13 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) ISC isn't open, though. Has to have invite sent to join it.
15:13 Tora the Explorer (toraona.thane) monsieur sent me one. :-D
15:13 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) on the 28th of the month. we will behaving the tiny maniacs in concert for a 2 hour show. 6 to
15:13 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) 8
15:13 Tora the Explorer (toraona.thane) thanks owlie :-)
15:13 Tora the Explorer (toraona.thane) *:-.,_,.-:*'``'*yaaaaaaaay*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*
15:13 Tora the Explorer (toraona.thane) ooh
15:13 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) should be a fair number of tiny in attendance
15:14 KayCooper nice
15:14 Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane) who do I get an invite for posting rights on ISC from?
15:14 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) Neo
15:15 Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane) Looks at Neo and hopes he read that LOL
15:15 NeoBokrug Elytis Heh, I am not adjusting who can post what yet, until I have a better feel of the groups. If you would like to post something I MAY post on your behalf.
15:15 Zaida Gearbox (zaida.gearbox) Hence the reason my St Nicholas Day gift will be on my porch instead of going out as a group giftie
15:15 Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane) oops I have overdue parcels at CDS
15:15 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) or i can help if needed
15:16 Zaida Gearbox (zaida.gearbox) CDS stll exists?
15:16 Jan Stroikavskoi I can post too if it helps.
15:16 Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane) Better TP over before they take it aways from me
15:16 Zaida Gearbox (zaida.gearbox) bye Kyoko
15:16 Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane) Thanks Jan
15:16 Tora the Explorer (toraona.thane) waves bye
15:16 Tora the Explorer (toraona.thane) take care, hon
15:16 KayCooper Bye Kyoo
15:16 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) Hugs Magda.
15:16 KayCooper Kyoko*
15:17 Kamilah Hauptmann goes to have a look at at thing for Harperlass
15:17 NeoBokrug Elytis Welp, folks seem to be heading out. If anyone has any questions or ever needs anything, feel free to reach out to me.
15:17 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) For sometime. the village will have the rides up
15:17 Harperlass smile and says thank you to all....and goes to find where she put that pumpkin with stuff still in it! LOL
15:18 Tora the Explorer (toraona.thane) thanks Neoguv!
15:18 Zahra Ethaniel Thank you Neo :)
15:18 Mari Moonbeam Thanks Neo- hope your headache faded
15:18 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) rollercoasters modtly
15:18 Gloriana Maertens Thank you everyone!
15:18 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) ty Neo
15:18 Zahra Ethaniel I am excited about all the new goings-on :)
15:18 Tora the Explorer (toraona.thane) and thanks, Harper!
15:18 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) be well
15:18 Aury (aurysa) thank you Neo!
15:18 NeoBokrug Elytis I'm gunna eat some Ibuprofin, maybe leftovers for dinner. :)
15:18 Ðrєåmçίrçlє (dreamcircle57) Good evening everyone
15:18 Gyel Llewellyn Thanks, NeoGuv! Bye everyone.
15:18 KayCooper Thanks Neo
15:18 Zahra Ethaniel Have a great Day/Night Everyone :)
15:18 Cychwynn thanks for hosting Neo, it was nice to finally actually see you :)
15:18 Tora the Explorer (toraona.thane) good vibes wom wom wom
15:18 NeoBokrug Elytis I hope to keep the updates coming, but as things progress they'll be slower, just by their nature.
15:18 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) Nice to see you all.
15:18 NeoBokrug Elytis Thanks for coming everyone.
15:18 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) oh neo
15:18 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) i was late.
15:18 Phrynne thanks, Neo, hope you feel better soon
15:19 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) Thanks, Neo, for having these meetings.
15:19 Cychwynn Have a great evening all :)
15:19 Aury (aurysa) goodbye everyone :))
15:19 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Attempted bedtime for me
15:19 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) Feel better, Guv.