Caledon Community Meeting for 2023-12-08

13:51 Aury (aurysa) hello everyone
13:51 Phrynne hi Aury
13:52 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) Greetings everyone. Hugs Phrynne
13:55 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) Hugs Mari
13:55 Mari Moonbeam hi Kara , hugs
13:56 Phrynne hi Mari
13:57 Mari Moonbeam hi Phrynne , I'm rarely so small , life is different
13:57 Phrynne yes
13:58 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) You both look very cute.
13:59 Phrynne hi Katie
13:59 Katie (katie.canningham) Hi Ti Phrynne!
13:59 Beth Ghostraven Hi everyone! I'll be out of my mind for the first part of the meeting; back in a bit
14:00 Katie (katie.canningham) Hi Elf and Neoguv and Kara and Cynthia and Beth!
14:00 Katie (katie.canningham) Hi Aury!
14:00 Aury (aurysa) hi there Katie!
14:00 NeoBokrug Elytis Good afternoon everyone. Thanks for comin'! :)
14:00 Zahra Ethaniel HI Neo Guv! Greetings Everyone : )
14:00 Darlingmonster Ember :D
14:00 Katie (katie.canningham) Hi DME!
14:01 Darlingmonster Ember heya Katie
14:01 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) Hugs Beth and Katie and DME
14:01 Cynthia Farshore There's clock sounding the hour
14:01 NeoBokrug Elytis Lets see if I can get a good snap before we start. :)
14:01 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) takes a rock and moves it around the clock
14:01 Wordsmith Jarvinen hello, Zahra
14:01 Zahra Ethaniel Hugs Ms DME, Katie, and Beth
14:01 NeoBokrug Elytis Good enough! Sorry about the delay.
14:01 Zahra Ethaniel Hugs Kara
14:01 Darlingmonster Ember woot
14:01 Zahra Ethaniel Hi there Word :)
14:02 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) Hugs Zahra
14:02 NeoBokrug Elytis Okay!/me jogs through his notes.
14:02 Phrynne hi Cynthia, Word
14:02 Cynthia Farshore Greetings
14:02 Cynthia Farshore and to everyone
14:02 Wordsmith Jarvinen Hi, Phrynne
14:02 Zahra Ethaniel Hi Mari. Phrynne, and Cynthia
14:02 NeoBokrug Elytis First; Winter is here. :D I hope everyone has a great holiday season.
14:02 Katie (katie.canningham) Hi Wordsmith and Jorge! Hi Mari!
14:03 Jorge Serapis *waves to everyone!*
14:03 Mari Moonbeam waves !
14:03 Zahra Ethaniel Hi Aury and Elfbiter
14:03 Katie (katie.canningham) Mari, the snow in Port Caledon is great!
14:03 Aury (aurysa) hi there Zahra
14:03 Phrynne hi Jorge and Zahra
14:03 NeoBokrug Elytis Special thanks for Mari for helping out with the estate land textures. I am slowly learning the setups everyone has here. It's been really cool to fly around and see everything all wintery!
14:03 Zahra Ethaniel :) Hi Jorge
14:04 Mari Moonbeam pleasure & ty
14:04 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) Smiles brightly.
14:04 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Ravelli has used his own emitter at times
14:05 NeoBokrug Elytis This past month I have been slowly picking at things across the estate, working on infrastructure here and there.
14:05 NeoBokrug Elytis I've also been getting to know folks, which is quite pleasant. I was worried most folks were afraid of me, but that's just me. :)
14:06 NeoBokrug Elytis We've got our own Community Discord server now, no pressure to join discord -- but I will usually be making announcements there first, and everywhere else within a couple hours:
14:06 NeoBokrug Elytis Also, if you're there now -- you may notice the "event" posing for this meeting in discord has started. It's a good reminder.
14:07 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) Smiles brightly.
14:07 NeoBokrug Elytis I want to contact all the regular event hosts, train them how to use events in Discord, so they can post Caledon Specific events there. It is really a useful tool.
14:09 NeoBokrug Elytis I also want to adjust how events are posted in Caledon Groups. It is my understanding that the google calendars do not see much use, and we lean heavily on inworld notices for events. Right now it seems events are posted as they happen. Which is really tough for me personally, because I have to schedule my time. I suspect others may have similar time constraints.
14:10 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) intentionally posts noticed hour before the event.
14:12 Cynthia Farshore It's been that if you post hours before or days people forget or miss
14:13 Mari Moonbeam can we do both? group for the gnat brain and Discord for planning?
14:13 NeoBokrug Elytis I am open to ideas and feedback for what's best for folks. Even if it's a hybrid of what we have now, and improved ideas. But I did bounce the idea off of some other estate managers. I was originally going to ask for a minimum of 3 days for posting a group NOTICE, and then within 15 minutes of staring time you can remind folks in group CHAT that your event is starting soon. But then after the discussion 1 day for the NOTICE seemed much better. That way the group notice doesn't eat up an offline IM, and folks who are online, will be reminded in chat.
14:14 NeoBokrug Elytis Discord helps me post to social media about what's planned. If they're listed there, I can gather them all out, and make a big list of "Events for This Week"
14:14 NeoBokrug Elytis Also in Discord you can click "interested", and it'll remind you.
14:15 NeoBokrug Elytis But group notices and chat are still required in SL I think.
14:15 NeoBokrug Elytis I don't want to migrate away from that.
14:15 Katie (katie.canningham) And isn't it easier to categorize things in Discord too?
14:15 Zahra Ethaniel I think a Hybrid would be great, hit all bases that way
14:15 NeoBokrug Elytis "Events" are all in one cluster, but they can look pretty.
14:15 NeoBokrug Elytis Let me share a screenshot if I can, of what The Wastelands looks like.
14:16 Mari Moonbeam my gnat brain likes that, I go for the shiny in front of me
14:16 Katie (katie.canningham) but is there a way to keep them from being a reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeallly long list of same looking stuff that lets stuff get missed too easily?
14:16 NeoBokrug Elytis
14:16 Katie (katie.canningham) I'm a gnat brain so maybe it's a dumb question - forgive me
14:17 NeoBokrug Elytis I ask folks to submit events by Wednesdays, and to keep it fresh.
14:17 Darlingmonster Ember mmm nice format
14:17 Zahra Ethaniel Yes
14:17 NeoBokrug Elytis I post things on Thursdays
14:17 Katie (katie.canningham) YESH
14:17 Mari Moonbeam do you have to join imgur?
14:17 NeoBokrug Elytis And I don't allow recurring event posts.
14:17 NeoBokrug Elytis Mari: No
14:17 NeoBokrug Elytis That's just a site for sharing images.
14:18 Cynthia Farshore Just seems since have Independent State of Caledon with channels Oxbridge , market..just add #events
14:18 Phrynne then where will recurring events be posted, if at all?
14:18 NeoBokrug Elytis Manually.
14:18 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Writers' Meeting is in Thursdays
14:18 NeoBokrug Elytis The problem with automated recurring events, is folks will plan to attend, and then it might be canceled, or discontinued.
14:19 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Or host cannot log in.
14:19 NeoBokrug Elytis I know it is tedious, but it's important even if the event is recurring -- post what the subject is.
14:19 NeoBokrug Elytis For instance Drifter has storytime, and even though it's mostly the same for weeks, he submits a picture of the book, and what it's about, who the writer is.
14:20 NeoBokrug Elytis While Apo, posts that she's playing music, but it might be a themed set.
14:20 NeoBokrug Elytis And, using discord COMBINED with inworld Group Notices and chat, in addition to a listed post of upcoming events on social media, is rather effective.
14:21 Katie (katie.canningham) Does Discord also have calendars?
14:21 Inspector Dooley Yup! :D
14:21 Inspector Dooley As in, that its effective
14:21 NeoBokrug Elytis I don't mind gathering up the list of events, and posting things on behalf of Caledon. It takes me an hour for The Wastelands. Might take a little longer here.
14:21 Cynthia Farshore and I can tell you Caledon Nights has had to cancel dances and had to put notices out within the hour of it
14:22 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) DJ trouble ensues
14:22 NeoBokrug Elytis Cynthia, it's not a silver bullet. We've had folks have general issues that all events face. But the idea is to bring maximum awareness to the events.
14:22 NeoBokrug Elytis Diamanda lost power about 10 minutes before her live performance. Things happen, messages are communicated. :)
14:22 Cynthia Farshore it seems that a discord channel would have such easy to find as you have to open group info and dig up a notice
14:23 NeoBokrug Elytis And if you're interested Discord will remind you when it starts. As helpful as groups are, they're a bit clunky in SL.
14:25 NeoBokrug Elytis I will more than likely reach out to all the regular event hosts, and start with them. There's a special events host channel, for when you want to plan larger community events or share information with each other.
14:25 NeoBokrug Elytis I'll also see how they all feel about changing how events are posted to groups with notices and chat.
14:26 Cynthia Farshore Well I'm all for setting up an events channel in Discord as not only makes them easy to find you won't have to log into SL to be in the know
14:26 NeoBokrug Elytis But for me to post to social media, I will need folks to contact me before I post events for the upcoming week. I'll probably keep it on Wednesday evenings as the hard deadline, and I'll make my own inworld group announcement for that.
14:27 Mari Moonbeam Thanks Guv, you're taking on a lot of work for us , appreciate it
14:27 NeoBokrug Elytis Once we have a regular system set up, it'll be a lot easier to keep tabs on things. :)
14:27 NeoBokrug Elytis Nooo problem!
14:27 Darlingmonster Ember nods
14:27 Katie (katie.canningham) ♩♪♫♬ APPAWS! ♩♪♫♬
14:27 NeoBokrug Elytis Cross-Over events!
14:28 Mari Moonbeam skiing?
14:28 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) I do post notice to multiple groups anyway.
14:28 NeoBokrug Elytis They are where Wastelanders are invited to one event per month in Caledon -- posted in The Wastelands groups. And where Caledonians are invited to Wastelands events in The Wastelands -- posted to Caledon groups.
14:28 Darlingmonster Ember oh, not cross-species swapping
14:28 Darlingmonster Ember nod
14:29 Katie (katie.canningham) checks her inventory for her Geiger counter
14:29 Cynthia Farshore 0.o
14:29 Zahra Ethaniel chuckles
14:29 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) But will there be waffles and wootberry syrup at both events?
14:29 NeoBokrug Elytis I have a few applications for the month of December, here. I tend to favor events that have been hosted before. Events that are also seasonal. And events that do not have hard thematic requirements. :)
14:29 Katie (katie.canningham) even if I have to bring 'em!
14:30 Mari Moonbeam num num
14:30 Katie (katie.canningham) hooray for weird!
14:30 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) tried to add themes but discussion always diverged to something else...
14:30 NeoBokrug Elytis I will stop taking applications by SUNDAY. SO if you have an idea for an event you want to invite Wastelanders to. IM me with the date, time, title, and a short description of your event, with a SLURL.
14:30 NeoBokrug Elytis I can only pick one person per month, and I favor those who haven't run something last month.
14:30 Katie (katie.canningham) Janpooh!!!
14:30 Darlingmonster Ember Santa Jan! Hiya
14:31 Katie (katie.canningham) :)
14:31 Jan Stroikavskoi whispers Hi everyone :)
14:31 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Wasterlanders of more or less human size are welcome :-)
14:31 NeoBokrug Elytis Please don't be upset if I don't pick you this month, I just want to keep a rotation on things. Keep applying every month, and I'll eventually pick you.
14:31 Zahra Ethaniel Hugs Sis
14:31 Jan Stroikavskoi thanks sis, hugs back :)
14:31 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) Human size is not fun-size
14:31 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Place is small
14:32 Katie (katie.canningham) I assume they can come to other stuff too, just not as official crossover event?
14:32 NeoBokrug Elytis Sunday (tomorrow), Midnight is my hard deadline. In the future, I will ask for applicants during the last week of the month. However, since December is a general wash -- I will ask the first week of January.
14:32 NeoBokrug Elytis Oh yeah. A cross-over is only really defined that I post Caledon Events in The WAstelands, and vice-versa.
14:32 NeoBokrug Elytis The communities are VERY similar at heart.
14:33 Cynthia Farshore Just we're nuts and they are wasted
14:33 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) Thanks, Elf.
14:33 NeoBokrug Elytis Any questions about general events stuff?
14:33 NeoBokrug Elytis Haha yeah!
14:33 Inspector Dooley Same taste, different smell
14:33 Katie (katie.canningham) WE glow in different ways
14:34 Mari Moonbeam we have doors
14:34 Jan Stroikavskoi yes can you repeat everything i missed please Neo? (just kidding lol)
14:34 Katie (katie.canningham) I love that group
14:34 NeoBokrug Elytis Word can help you there later Jan. :)
14:34 Zahra Ethaniel I think there will be a transcript posted :)
14:34 Jan Stroikavskoi yes i know, just pulling your leg ;)
14:35 Cynthia Farshore Just rewind Guvnah's tape and hit play
14:35 Katie (katie.canningham) passes out.
14:35 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) blinks.
14:35 Zahra Ethaniel O.O
14:35 NeoBokrug Elytis Occupancy is rather stellar in Caledon. Typically as a parcel opens up, it's gone within a day. If this keeps up, I may have to add a new region to the estate.
14:35 Mari Moonbeam odd
14:35 Darlingmonster Ember I had my hands in my pockets the entire time!!!!
14:35 Cynthia Farshore ooohhh jezzz *nose pinch*
14:35 Zahra Ethaniel grins
14:35 Wordsmith Jarvinen Yes, I am collecting the transcript as we go
14:35 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) Usually, the perv would be me, but in this case ...
14:36 NeoBokrug Elytis I will finish Caledon Carriag Neamhai, make a few improvements to existing regions, and see if Occupancy still does well once I make Neamhai available.
14:36 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Would that be the duchy one?
14:36 NeoBokrug Elytis Yup.
14:36 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Okay
14:37 NeoBokrug Elytis Then, if things are still great for some time. I'll start taking reservations.
14:37 Cynthia Farshore Guvnah did you know what you was getting into trying to lead this bunch
14:37 Katie (katie.canningham) giggles uncontrollably
14:37 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) sings "Pass the Duchy on the left-hand side ... I said ..."
14:37 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Hm. I don't think management fads apply in this bunch of people....
14:37 NeoBokrug Elytis Mostly. I wasn't active here, but I talked to Des throughout the years.
14:38 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) And my dad was teaching management...
14:38 NeoBokrug Elytis Oh!
14:39 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Dad managed the management school of Nokia company when they still had one...
14:39 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) hhmm..did not know my juke box reached this far..
14:39 Cynthia Farshore Yes I been seeing the work on Caledon Carriag Neamhai oh by the way did you know you have the auto-return set for second!
14:40 Katie (katie.canningham) that's fast!
14:40 NeoBokrug Elytis I brought another tier-helper from The Wastelands over; it is the auto-tier-paying Cog. Basically, if you're a CURRENT resident of Caledon, you can grab one from the west wing of the Guvnahs Mansion. If you rez it and set it up on your parcel -- it'll pay your tier if you can't log in for some reason.
14:40 Mari Moonbeam he's on to us
14:40 NeoBokrug Elytis Neamhai is set to 1 minute, just because it's a work in progress.
14:40 Darlingmonster Ember nice trick
14:40 Cynthia Farshore made the re-routing of the Santa Sleigh Ride rather,,interesting
14:41 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Was that the reason you went through Oxbridge?
14:41 NeoBokrug Elytis Oh hah! I think if you're sitting on it, it is exempt from return? If you need it longer to set it up, let me know.
14:41 Cynthia Farshore no it's 1 second if you want a minute you need to put in 60
14:42 NeoBokrug Elytis Auto return is by minutes. :)
14:42 Mari Moonbeam yes minutes
14:42 Darlingmonster Ember true
14:42 Phrynne yes
14:42 Cynthia Farshore well I can say I watched things go instantly
14:43 Cynthia Farshore but don't worry didn't mean it to be a big issue
14:43 Mari Moonbeam prob because not owned by Neo?
14:43 NeoBokrug Elytis I originally made the auto-tier-paying tool for folks who might not be able to log in as a safety net. In case their computer broke, or their net went out. Probably half of The Wastelanders use it as a set-it-and-forget-it tool. Which I guess works, but I didn't expect that.
14:44 Darlingmonster Ember can it be adapted to do massages?
14:44 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) hears that the song retail workers hate is playing in the background.
14:44 Swiftly Streeter That requires extra work Darling and Neo charges for that
14:44 NeoBokrug Elytis The most demanded thing Caledon and Wastelanders are asking me to finish; is the tier syncing tool. I have a good idea how I want to make it, but I can't commit to anything until after the holidays.
14:44 Darlingmonster Ember :D
14:44 Katie (katie.canningham) needs a nice massage
14:45 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) tells his automatons to give Katie good massage
14:45 NeoBokrug Elytis I hear the mutants with the extra arms in The Wastelands give good massages.
14:45 Katie (katie.canningham) thankee Elf!
14:45 NeoBokrug Elytis Just be wary if they start rubbing spices in.
14:45 Mari Moonbeam iMassage - Victorian or sandcastle?
14:46 NeoBokrug Elytis Any questions about anything we've discussed so far today?
14:46 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) llGiveMassage (Katie)
14:46 Katie (katie.canningham) ahhh
14:46 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) Quel est tier syncing, s'il vous plait?
14:46 Mari Moonbeam I watch Neamhai for large stewpots
14:46 NeoBokrug Elytis I am still working on it Magda ( I think that's what you're asking for )
14:47 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) Oui, but what is it supposed to do, once done?
14:47 NeoBokrug Elytis OH!
14:48 Darlingmonster Ember All the tier meters go underwater at the same time.....
14:48 NeoBokrug Elytis The way it works is it will take your current list of parcels you own, find out which one is the furthest out. It will add one day to that, and will bring up the amount of days that all other parcels need to meet that day -- tally it all up, and present a paybox. That paybox will make all your parcels due on the same day. Then, using the tier panels in the west wing of the Guvnahs mansion, you can pay one week or four weeks. Or use the sync payment again to add single days to all parcels.
14:49 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) Aha ...
14:49 Darlingmonster Ember wow...
14:49 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) Merci.
14:49 Darlingmonster Ember that's brill
14:49 NeoBokrug Elytis You can't go back, or over 24 weeks, but you can give yourself a weekly date or something.
14:50 NeoBokrug Elytis It's been in the works for over a year now. It all works in my head, I just need to code it all up.
14:51 Zahra Ethaniel That will be handy
14:51 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) And test it, of course
14:51 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) No programming without testing
14:51 NeoBokrug Elytis On to the last thing; another Community Event that started in The Wastelands, but has been adapted to Caledon. Just West of us is the Caledon Community Tree. EVERYONE is allowed to add a small LI decoration, and a boxed gift for ANYONE to take during the last week of the month. Total LI use by avatars should not exceed 5.
14:52 Katie (katie.canningham) ooo nice!
14:52 Katie (katie.canningham) ooo nice!
14:52 NeoBokrug Elytis Does anyone need a notecard to explain it? If so shoot me an IM now.
14:52 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Aim carefully...
14:53 NeoBokrug Elytis Word: Can you in-line the notecard in the logs?
14:53 NeoBokrug Elytis It is the one from the group notice. :)
Greetings Everyone!

Winter has come to Caledon! I am bringing another fun tradition over from The Wastelands, and polishing it up for an extra Classy Caledon adaptation. I present to you the Caledon Holiday Tree, an event that runs through all of December.

In summary, there's a Holiday Tree in Caledon. Anyone can decorate it, and leave gifts for everyone to take. Most folks claim their gifts on the last week of the year. And we'll take some pictures of the decorated tree for us to remember as time wears on.

EVERYONE, even folks not from Caledon, are allowed to decorate and leave gifts for others to take, but please limit your *TOTAL* LI use to 5.

Gifts should --ideally-- be something you made, or at the very least have permission to distribute. They can be any asset. If you did not create the item, you will NEED transfer and copy permissions for it. Items that are not copy, or no transfer will not work as intended. Either they won't dispense, or only one person gets the gift.

Because most folks claim their gifts during the last week of December, one should strive to have their contributions done by the 24th. On January 1st, everything will be cleaned up and returned.

Like Gifts, decorations should be only a few LI. You do not NEED to create them, but a personal touch would be extra nice.

How to prepare gifts under the tree:
A single item will be your gift dispenser, make it look like an unopened gift or card, and ideally it should be low LI.
Put all the things you want to give away inside your gift box.
In the build menu, tick "For Sale", change the drop-down to "Contents", set the price to L$0 and press "Apply".

Some hard enforced rules:
Only Gifts and Decor are allowed. Promotions of events, or ads of any kind are STRICTLY forbidden near the Holiday Tree. However, the contents of your gift may include a landmark.
There is a 5 LI MAXIMUM per person. This includes your gift and decor. If you go over your items WILL be returned.

Be sensible:
Please, no particles, spammy noise, music, or full-bright items, unless the fullbright items are decor lights.
Don't have your gifts or decor take up all the space ever. Leave room for everyone to participate.

Since this event is adapted from The Wastelands Giftmas TREE (it's not even a real tree at all), I am including a landmark, and I invite you to leave your gifts there as well as decorate it. I am sure Wastelanders will leave their own... contributions here in Caledon.

And finally, I am including a landmark to Bleedy the Dirtman, kind of a spin-off event inspired by The Giftmas TREE. Sam Wyx invites the fine folk of Caledon to help decorate bleedy with low LI contributions. There's even a link there to a free PDF Comic Book telling the origins of Bleedy, and showing off his past iterations. If you enjoy Dark Humor, it's for you!
NeoBokrug Elytis, Guvnah
Independent State of Caledon

14:53 Wordsmith Jarvinen I can add the text Neo, yes
14:54 NeoBokrug Elytis I'd like to open up the meeting for the last 10 minutes or so, so folks can discuss upcoming events and plans here. :)
14:54 NeoBokrug Elytis Thank you word.
14:54 Lyban Could anyone give me some Caledon textures?
14:54 Beth Ghostraven raises a paw
14:54 Beth Ghostraven I can, Lyban
14:55 Cynthia Farshore Christmas Downs will be open probably in 2 hours as I finish the Santa Sleigh Ride
14:55 Lyban thank you, Beth :smiles
14:55 Beth Ghostraven raises a paw again
14:55 Cynthia Farshore it had to undergo a massive rework due to all the sim changes
14:55 Beth Ghostraven My Caledon shop on the circle will be having a 12 Days of Christmas giver, one upstairs for gentlemen and one downstairs for ladies, no group needed
14:56 Beth Ghostraven Miss Skye Qi has been having an Advent calendar since Dec. 1, make sure you pick up her lovely historical designs too!
14:56 Lyban wonderful
14:56 Zahra Ethaniel That sounds great, Beth!
14:56 Beth Ghostraven grins
14:56 Beth Ghostraven that's it from me
14:57 Zahra Ethaniel I have a little post for The Dickens Project
THE DICKENS PROJECT: the 2023 Edition coming soon
December 7 - January 7

In a nutshell, The Dickens Project is:a themed experience featuring Dickens' A Christmas Carol, and the world of the story:
~ Two scenic regions to explore and enjoy.
~ Live music, DJ sets, spoken word, dance events and performances.
~ Dozens of performers, presenters.
~ Both Invitational and Open Art Shows
~ Educational and interpretive content featuring different aspects of Victorian life.
~ Horse rambler tour, a hot air balloon ride, and more entertainments.

Learn more at

NOTE: this landmark will not work until December 7th
14:57 Beth Ghostraven ooh I love the Dickens Project!
14:57 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Charles, I assume?
14:57 Katie (katie.canningham) YESH
14:57 Zahra Ethaniel one of our own here, Gloria Martins is one of the principal builders
14:57 Darlingmonster Ember do they still offer outfits at the Project??
14:57 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Building the Bleak House?
14:57 Cynthia Farshore So their giving you the Dickens huh?
14:57 Zahra Ethaniel Im not sure, but, they might at the entry point
14:57 Zahra Ethaniel it is Period
14:58 Zahra Ethaniel https://irelandslstory.blogspot.c
14:58 Zahra Ethaniel
14:58 Zahra Ethaniel that's the blog post with all the information
14:58 Zahra Ethaniel my dance troupe Idle Rogue has a show tonight, and Glori's dance troupe had a show earlier today. There is a lot of performances, music and readings as well
14:58 NeoBokrug Elytis I may start asking folks for help at the start of 2024. There's a lot to do. One thing I am really interested is in Caledon Lore. Things like Cavorite, Air Krackens, etc.
14:59 Zahra Ethaniel That's all I wanted to mention :
14:59 NeoBokrug Elytis All those things sound wonderful! :D
14:59 Mari Moonbeam Lore....not truthiness ;p
14:59 Zahra Ethaniel smiles at Mari
14:59 Zahra Ethaniel That's what makes it interesting!
14:59 Beth Ghostraven I sent you all the notecard, please delete if you don't want it
15:00 Mari Moonbeam thanks Beth!
15:00 Zahra Ethaniel Thanks Beth
15:00 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) So we get the krakens back?
15:00 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Of course, lore should include the Quest.
15:00 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) And dorms of Oxbridge...
15:00 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Maybe not the screaming cubes attacks....
15:01 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) The Blue Lady who ran Steam SkyCity ...
15:01 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Maybe the disappearance of the carriages....
15:01 Katie (katie.canningham) don't forget the exploding chickens
15:01 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) The humomgous lag of SkyCity..
15:01 Phrynne The exploding turkey with the dynamite in its beak
15:02 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) Saint Kitts Island ...
15:02 Cynthia Farshore attacking turkeys
15:02 Mari Moonbeam white stag of Caledon
15:02 Phrynne Cape Wrath
15:02 Magda Kamenev (magdalena.kamenev) And Montserrat
15:02 Mari Moonbeam single men
15:02 Darlingmonster Ember men who ask ladies to dance
15:02 Darlingmonster Ember snerks
15:02 Beth Ghostraven where are those, DME?
15:02 Beth Ghostraven I think that's a myth
15:02 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Ladies who accidentally delete the dance floor during the event
15:03 Darlingmonster Ember in the mists of time Beth
15:03 Cynthia Farshore I guess Denver Hex's attacking steamroller wasn't saved
15:03 Beth Ghostraven aww
15:03 Phrynne don't be too sure of that
15:03 NeoBokrug Elytis We're at about time. Any final questions for me?
15:03 NeoBokrug Elytis Any last minute events to share?
15:03 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) King Kong climbing Oxbridge towers....
15:03 Darlingmonster Ember ok, nice to see everyone
15:03 Darlingmonster Ember curtsies
15:03 Cynthia Farshore you too DME
15:03 Mari Moonbeam snow mely estimated date?
15:03 Mari Moonbeam melt
15:04 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) When he wants to
15:04 NeoBokrug Elytis Remember, every 2nd Saturday of the month at 2pm SLT -- we'll be having these meetings.
15:04 Phrynne not yet
15:04 Beth Ghostraven I love the snow! Leave it up through February please!
15:04 NeoBokrug Elytis Did I post the link for the Discord server?
15:04 Zahra Ethaniel Take care Ms DME
15:04 Katie (katie.canningham) yes please!!!
15:04 NeoBokrug Elytis Yes,.
15:04 Darlingmonster Ember bye all
15:04 Ms. Kellan McKenna (kellan.mckenna) Yes!
15:04 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Hour past midnight here but I have things to do...
15:04 Zahra Ethaniel oh yes, keep the snow until late!!
15:04 Katie (katie.canningham) and thankee NeoGuv!
15:04 Cynthia Farshore you did but might want to again
15:05 Sandling Honey =)
15:05 Wordsmith Jarvinen Well, Oxbridge has a new holiday platform for those at loose ends
15:05 NeoBokrug Elytis
15:05 Beth Ghostraven nice, Word!
15:06 Beth Ghostraven gotta hop
15:06 Lyban ooh...
15:06 Wordsmith Jarvinen Caledon Oxbridge (244,31,2500)
15:06 NeoBokrug Elytis Take it easy folks! I'll see you all around. :)
15:06 Beth Ghostraven hugs eberyone an hops to the workshop
15:06 NeoBokrug Elytis And a Happy Holidays if I don't see you before then!
15:06 Aury (aurysa) fankies Neo :))
15:06 Zahra Ethaniel Thank you, Guv and have a good day/evening Everyone :)
15:06 Lyban thank you, Guv
15:06 Wordsmith Jarvinen It's got seating, the calliscal holiday stream of the rest of Oxbridge and dance balls
15:07 Christmas Margarita What do you call a chicken at the North Pole? Lost.
15:07 Zahra Ethaniel Oh sounds wonderful, Word. I'll love to check it out
15:07 Lyban I will have ot pay a visit, Word
15:08 Aury (aurysa) bye everyone, take care!
15:08 Aury (aurysa) waves and poofs
15:08 Katie (katie.canningham) g'night all!
15:08 Cynthia Farshore I have work to wrap up Christmas at Downs is running so late this year
15:08 Cynthia Farshore curtsies elegantly.
15:08 Cynthia Farshore have a good evening