Caledon Community Meeting for 2024-03-09

13:53 Beth Ghostraven Hi Nyree and Owlie
13:53 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) Hi Beth
13:53 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) Hi Nyree
13:53 Beth Ghostraven Hi Neo!
13:53 NeoBokrug Elytis Good afternoon everyone. :)
13:53 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) Hi Neo
13:53 Beth Ghostraven Hi Word!
13:53 Wordsmith Jarvinen Hi, Beth, Owlie, Nyree, and Neo
13:53 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) Hello Word
13:54 Beth Ghostraven Hi Phrynne
13:54 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) Hi Phrynne
13:54 Phrynne Hi Beth
13:54 Phrynne hi Owlie, Nyree, Neo
13:55 Nyree Rain Greetings, everyone.
13:55 Beth Ghostraven Hi Nyree!
13:55 Wordsmith Jarvinen Hi Phrynne
13:55 Phrynne hi Word
13:56 NeoBokrug Elytis Good afternoon folks. :)
13:56 Beth Ghostraven Hi Neo!
13:56 Aury (aurysa) hello everyone
13:57 Beth Ghostraven Hi Aury
13:57 Cynthia Farshore h
13:57 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) Lol--now that's timing!
13:57 Cynthia Farshore Greetings
13:58 Cynthia Farshore hello?
13:58 Beth Ghostraven Hello Cynthia, Aev, and Jorge!
13:59 Aury (aurysa) hi there Cynthia
13:59 NeoBokrug Elytis Hi those who've just arrived. Sorry, I am stuffing a cookie in my mouth. :)
13:59 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) Hi hi :)
13:59 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) Ha! I got Jelly Beans!
13:59 Beth Ghostraven cries
13:59 Beth Ghostraven I gots nuffing
13:59 Cynthia Farshore ate lunch I'm good
14:00 NeoBokrug Elytis We'll start here in a moment, I always wait a couple of minutes for those who are fashionably late.
14:00 Beth Ghostraven nice chair, Nyree!
14:01 Cynthia Farshore AAHH my eyes something bright flashed up
14:01 Cynthia Farshore oh Hi Kara
14:01 Wordsmith Jarvinen Nyree's chair is a gas
14:02 Beth Ghostraven lol Word
14:02 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) Greetings all.
14:02 Beth Ghostraven Hello Kara!
14:02 NeoBokrug Elytis Okey dokey folks! As is becoming the usual; I ramble on about specific aspects of the estate, projects in motion, and upcoming projects, with time for questions and comments in between each major section. :)
14:02 Beth Ghostraven HI Larky!
14:02 Larky (larkylouz) Hi everyone
14:02 Larky (larkylouz) Hi Beth
14:03 NeoBokrug Elytis I want to welcome and thank everyone for stopping by. Here we go!
14:03 Aury (aurysa) hi there Larky
14:03 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) Smiles brightly.
14:03 Larky (larkylouz) Hey Aury
14:03 Beth Ghostraven puts sunglasses on
14:03 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) Hugs Cynthia.
14:04 NeoBokrug Elytis First, Congrats Caledon on 18 years of being on the grid! It wouldn't have happened without the wonderful community here. :D
14:04 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) Hugs Andrea and Aury
14:04 Aury (aurysa) hi Kara :)
14:05 NeoBokrug Elytis I was very delighted to see all the celebratory events. The Anniversary Ball, Thank you Nyree. The Parade, thank you Aev. And starting today the Rose Hunt, thank you Samm. :)
14:05 NeoBokrug Elytis For me, Feb was rough, and those were the only big events I could make it to.
14:06 NeoBokrug Elytis I spoke with Des last night, and he knows he's gotta show up for the 19th. :)
14:06 Beth Ghostraven I hope he doesn't wait that long to show up for something
14:07 NeoBokrug Elytis Haha same Beth! He still pops on from time to time on his Alt. You can catch him if you have a keen eye.
14:07 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) is apparently still in sleep dep. For a moment, I was wondering what was coming up on March 19th.
14:08 Wordsmith Jarvinen Hi, Zahra
14:08 NeoBokrug Elytis On the topic of events, if you're hosting something, and you let me know the details about it on Wednesdays for the upcoming week of Thursday to next Wednesday, I will post about it in group chat, discord, and social media.
14:08 Nyree Rain That's all right Lady Aev--I am still wondering.
14:08 Zahra Ethaniel Hi Word :) Hello Everyone
14:08 Beth Ghostraven hugs Zahra
14:08 NeoBokrug Elytis If you're already on the discord server, and you regularly host events, I can give you a role to post events there. Basically, my Thursdays these days are for gathering the events and spreading the word.
14:09 NeoBokrug Elytis Oh hah! I see. I meant the 19th Birthday.
14:09 Zahra Ethaniel (hugs Beth)
14:09 NeoBokrug Elytis As you can tell by my typing and confusion -- I'm a bit under the weather. But the show must go on. :)
14:10 Beth Ghostraven aww hope you feel better soon, Neo
14:10 Cynthia Farshore yes was confusing cause Desmond Shang's rezz day is March 14th
14:11 NeoBokrug Elytis Occupancy slipped a bit in February, as I feel it always does this time of the year. However spring is here, and even though folks get out more, folks tend to log on to SL more. THe ebb and flow of SL occupancy tends to have a lot of fun activities in both RL and SL this time of the year.
14:12 NeoBokrug Elytis One thing that I did was to have a Anniversary Land Sale. 24 hours only, because the sale is basically me giving free tier away on new parcels. I did the same for The Wastelands. I don't ALWAYS do it for 50%, but it is one of the few times I have such sales.
14:12 NeoBokrug Elytis That filled up a few parcels. :)
14:13 Zahra Ethaniel Oh good
14:13 Beth Ghostraven I don't see any available parcels on the map
14:13 NeoBokrug Elytis Not terribly much is left, but there's some!
14:13 Katie (katie.canningham) there's at least one in Port Caledon
14:13 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) There are 4-5 in Stormhold
14:13 Beth Ghostraven oh I didn't have Land Sale checked
14:13 Beth Ghostraven never mind
14:13 NeoBokrug Elytis 2 in Southend, 1 in Prime, 1 In Port (being sold by a resident), 1 in Mayfair, and a few in Stormhold.
14:14 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) The one I grabbed for the parade set-up will be coming up soon. If anyone wants it, it still has a week of tier left, I think.
14:14 NeoBokrug Elytis I "finished" building Caledon Tamrannoch up. There's plans for more improvement, but they are contingent on other plans being finished. There WERE parcels available, but they pretty much were scooped up as soon as Tam was done.
14:15 Zahra Ethaniel It looks really nice there, Neo
14:15 NeoBokrug Elytis Thanks!
14:15 Cynthia Farshore I was wondering as I saw the home missing at my southwest corner
14:15 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) Well done on Tam, Neo
14:15 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) must have been termites
14:16 NeoBokrug Elytis I have moved on to redoing Caledon Carraig Neamhai. I've got a "decor" account now, and I needed to restart. I'd say I am about 50% done, and with a few uninterrupted days, I could probably finish it.
14:16 NeoBokrug Elytis Having said that...
14:16 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) don;t burn yourself out Neo. if you are sick, stop a bit
14:16 Zahra Ethaniel Oh I need to go see the progress there, nice!
14:16 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) Neamhai is looking good.
14:17 Cynthia Farshore yes it is
14:17 Katie (katie.canningham) apologizes for being late
14:17 Cynthia Farshore I have also been doing land mods on Downs I'll do major work after the rose hunt
14:18 NeoBokrug Elytis I am going to make that region available as a Duchy VERY soon. It'll have 4k prims the new Duke or Duchess can use, with 1k going to the Commonwealth infrastructure, and basically free decor. It'll be L$25,200 per month.
14:18 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) Is it going to become commonwealth land? Or a "private" duchy?
14:18 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) Oops--should've waited to post that
14:18 NeoBokrug Elytis The island and the little island are the lands they can alter. Consider it huge parcels, but you'll be the only tenant of the region.
14:19 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) was poking around there this morning, looking to hide roses, but didn't see the commonwealth label on it.
14:19 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) hmm considers,
14:19 NeoBokrug Elytis Now, it's not going to be available as a free-for-all whoever can buy it first thing. There is an application in the mansion. Walk in, take a left, click the book next to the automatic-tier-pay Cog.
14:19 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) that would be cheaper than what i am spending now
14:20 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) The trade-off is the avatar cap. Homesteads are really hard to host events on
14:20 NeoBokrug Elytis The application is half an explanation of what it is, what I expect, and the actual application itself.
14:20 NeoBokrug Elytis Right, they re not good for large events, that is noted in the application.
14:20 NeoBokrug Elytis The full details are there.
14:21 NeoBokrug Elytis Now, for the other Duchy that is becoming available. Caledon Dream.
14:21 NeoBokrug Elytis I am taking applications for that as well.
14:21 Katie (katie.canningham) pines for Kintyre
14:21 NeoBokrug Elytis It's 5k LI, with no infrastructure -- but we've got to cooperate.
14:22 NeoBokrug Elytis All applications require a draft of an idea.
14:22 NeoBokrug Elytis Any questions about anything so far?
14:22 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) Where is the app for Dream?
14:22 Cynthia Farshore Caledon Dream IS a deram
14:22 NeoBokrug Elytis It is the same application.
14:22 Cynthia Farshore dream
14:22 Cynthia Farshore :p
14:23 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) I suppose Kintyre's name could come back if someone were will to pay the L$ for a name change?
14:23 Cynthia Farshore how much would that be?
14:23 NeoBokrug Elytis Yes.
14:23 Katie (katie.canningham) it was the region itself, not the name, though
14:23 Phrynne yes
14:23 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) I think it's 100USD
14:23 NeoBokrug Elytis I would need to review my region count holding, but I think around $35 ?
14:24 NeoBokrug Elytis Maybe $25
14:24 Katie (katie.canningham) I'd say keep the current names as-is.
14:24 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) Really? Wow--I was way off.
14:24 Cynthia Farshore the bright side was you was too high
14:24 NeoBokrug Elytis I think region moves are $125 Aev
14:24 Samm Florian listens to th'grownups talkin' about more money than she's ever seen.
14:25 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) I think when Pensans had its name change, they threw it in because they'd flubbed up the region change-out.
14:25 Beth Ghostraven is camming around in the room to the left with no luck
14:25 NeoBokrug Elytis OH MY left, your right
14:25 NeoBokrug Elytis DERP
14:25 NeoBokrug Elytis The red room
14:25 Zahra Ethaniel It's the book next to the gear on the table, Beth :)
14:26 Zahra Ethaniel back of room
14:26 NeoBokrug Elytis As I have done with Wastelanders who have their own homesteads; I am very...
14:27 NeoBokrug Elytis I'm not strict, I just have high expectations. But I don't want that to discourage folks from applying.
14:27 NeoBokrug Elytis You'll be representing a large chunk of Caledon. :)
14:27 Beth Ghostraven oh the OTHER left, got it
14:27 Cynthia Farshore the right left
14:27 Katie (katie.canningham) (port side?)
14:28 NeoBokrug Elytis Haha
14:28 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) What? No Jerry Garcia-inspired nudist camp?
14:28 Phrynne (depends on where the bow sits)
14:28 NeoBokrug Elytis Hahaha
14:28 Katie (katie.canningham) true
14:28 Katie (katie.canningham) hugs Jan
14:28 Zahra Ethaniel (hugs Sis) :)
14:28 NeoBokrug Elytis A lot of the questions you might have about a Duchy are addressed in the application. But I am willing to field any questions folks might have here and now. :)
14:28 Jan Stroikavskoi Hugs Katie and Sis :))
14:29 Cynthia Farshore nudist camp? just keep logging in every few minutes
14:29 Beth Ghostraven Hi Jan!
14:29 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) Same price for Dream as for Neamai?
14:29 NeoBokrug Elytis Owlie, Yes.
14:29 Jan Stroikavskoi Hi Beth :)
14:29 NeoBokrug Elytis I know Neamhai isn't done, but I have some fun plans for it.
14:30 Cynthia Farshore just in time for Halloween
14:31 NeoBokrug Elytis I won't mince words, I do expect occupancy to take a hit if someone picks up a Duchy, as they tier down their normal Caledon holdings. However, the free move program in the Covenant does NOT apply to the Duchys.
14:32 NeoBokrug Elytis Any other questions before I move on to other topics? :)
14:32 Katie (katie.canningham) Do you think you might ever bring back regions that are gone?
14:32 Zahra Ethaniel How long are you taking applications?
14:33 Zahra Ethaniel until the decision?
14:34 NeoBokrug Elytis Katie: It is not impossible, but they may be the same in feel and name only. I recently did this in The Wastelands with a region called Malady Bog. It had been offline for about 10 years, and I brought it back and people loved it. But it wasn't EXACTLY the same. In the end it was a lot better, because I had 10 more years of experience building it.
14:34 Katie (katie.canningham) ok.
14:34 Katie (katie.canningham) thank you!!
14:34 NeoBokrug Elytis Zahra: I'll be considering everything as it comes in. In a week I will start making final considerations.
14:35 Zahra Ethaniel ah ok, thanks
14:35 NeoBokrug Elytis Fun Trivia Fact: The original Malady Bog region was the old Ben and Jerrys region from when the Electric Sheep Company did something for them inworld. :)
14:35 NeoBokrug Elytis (there's ice cream under the mud)
14:36 Zahra Ethaniel lol nice!
14:36 Katie (katie.canningham) oh my!
14:36 Wordsmith Jarvinen Kintyre at one time had chocolate mines
14:36 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) Didn't Kittiwickshire end up as part of the Wastelands?
14:36 NeoBokrug Elytis Not that I know of.
14:36 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) I miss Kitti
14:37 Phrynne if you click on an old Kitti LM, you do find yourself in the Wastelands.
14:37 Phrynne I don't recall where.
14:37 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) Yup
14:37 Aury (aurysa) mhmm they definitely do
14:37 NeoBokrug Elytis Huh!
14:37 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) <..did into Places tab..
14:38 Samm Florian The Case of the Wanderin' Sim...
14:38 NeoBokrug Elytis I should try to check that out with some of my old LMs too. I wonder where I'll end up.
14:38 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) maybe there is a warp field there in sl subspace
14:38 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) wormhole maybe
14:38 NeoBokrug Elytis Sounds like fun adventure! :D
14:38 Katie (katie.canningham) stable wormhole?
14:38 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) A long while ago I asked about and was told that Kitti was moved to WasteLands..
14:39 Nyree Rain Well the Wastelands is kind of the future of Caledon--if we don't ,keep it in good shape, and Kitti fell.....
14:39 Katie (katie.canningham) pulls out a Geiger counter...
14:39 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) Me and Nyree were the only ones left in Kitti.
14:39 Katie (katie.canningham) nope,all clear
14:40 NeoBokrug Elytis Trilby was the first winner of the monthly Flickr Photo Contest. All the rules are in that link.
14:40 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) I had a spot there
14:40 Katie (katie.canningham) ♩♪♫♬ APPAWS! ♩♪♫♬
14:40 Beth Ghostraven ♩♪♫♬ APPAWS! ♩♪♫♬
14:40 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) YYaayy!! Trilby!!
14:40 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) Yay!
14:40 Nyree Rain Congrats, Trilby!
14:40 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) She does take gorgeous piccies :)
14:40 Zahra Ethaniel Yay Trilby!!!
14:40 Katie (katie.canningham) +*✰*+*'*•.¸ APPLAUSE APPLAUSE ¸.•*'+*✰*+
14:41 Zahra Ethaniel It is an awesome photo
14:41 Phrynne ♩♪♫♬ APPAWS! ♩♪♫♬
14:41 NeoBokrug Elytis Basically, I'll be announcing winners around the 8th, as LL sometimes takes a while to approve photos to their group.
14:42 NeoBokrug Elytis At the end of the year I'll have a bigger contest with a larger cash prize, where all previous winners and runners up are eligible.
14:43 NeoBokrug Elytis Let me throw out a feeler here and now.
14:43 NeoBokrug Elytis If you paid 20% more in tier, for 50% more prims -- would you do it? Homesteads are excluded.
14:44 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) yep
14:44 Katie (katie.canningham) would it be an option or mandatory?
14:44 Jan Stroikavskoi I would probably have to give up a couple of parcels... budget
14:44 NeoBokrug Elytis Its everything or nothing.
14:44 Zahra Ethaniel I'd have to juggle, but, extra tier is always nice
14:45 Wordsmith Jarvinen The move to 30k LI regions
14:45 Katie (katie.canningham) is not doing math on a Saturday
14:46 Aury (aurysa) for me it would depend how much the at-cost adjustments will be
14:46 Katie (katie.canningham) so just agrees with any numbers
14:46 NeoBokrug Elytis Word is correct. It's something I want Caledon to move toward, but I won't do it if the majority of a region doesn't want it.
14:47 Nyree Rain Is this something LL is changing? Offering sims with more LI available?
14:47 NeoBokrug Elytis It has been available for a very long time Nyree, Caledon just hasn't upgraded its full regions to it.
14:47 Nyree Rain I see. I was not aware.
14:47 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) It would've been too much work for Des to do.
14:48 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) nods. They rolled that option out four years ago or so, I think.
14:48 NeoBokrug Elytis And when it was made available in The Wastelands, I held votes on a per-region basis. Because yes, it'll be a 20% increase in tier.
14:48 NeoBokrug Elytis I am going to start exploring those options here soon. I assure you I won't do anything drastic. And my "majority" as defined in the past is an 80% threshold.
14:49 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) The only issue I see is that there are a significant percentage of landowners in Caledon who don't log in regularly.
14:49 NeoBokrug Elytis We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
14:49 Nyree Rain I'd love the extra prims, but as Jan says, might have to give up a parcel. Not sure. My husband pays the bills, so I'd have to see how he felt. Right as this time we could easily afford it, but when he retires?
14:49 NeoBokrug Elytis And yeah, I have the same thing in The Wastelands Aev.
14:50 NeoBokrug Elytis It took a few years for all the upgrades to settle.
14:50 NeoBokrug Elytis I'll maybe put a little voting machine on each region, just as a "feeler", not an official vote yet.
14:51 NeoBokrug Elytis Anonymous of course, but you'll have to own land in that region to vote.
14:51 NeoBokrug Elytis Having said that -- one last thing to touch on today.
14:53 NeoBokrug Elytis It's been about 6 months since I started here. At my first meeting I did mention I'd raise tier in a year to at least the cost I'm paying. There's only a handful of parcels that meet that threshold. I'll be doing an audit here soon just to make sure everything is in line there. If there's folks for me to contact, I'll send them an IM letting them know the difference that tier will cost them in September.
14:54 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) <..paid rent ahead of time..going on vacation trip tomorrow..
14:54 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) The grandfathered rates didn't transfer when the changeover happened?
14:55 Beth Ghostraven wishes Kara fair winds and following seas
14:55 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) Smiles brightly.
14:55 NeoBokrug Elytis Its not that Aev, but Caledon has some old "deals" on tier. I also pay state tax on services from LL, so I technically pay more for regions than Des does.
14:55 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) Ah, gotcha
14:55 Katie (katie.canningham) wishes Kara a safe and happy journey
14:56 NeoBokrug Elytis I do want to also make a minor covenant change regarding the Tier Grace period. I had someone who was rather abusive with it in The Wastelands, and I just want to reiterate that it is a privilege policy. That's the only wording change I want to make. In all of my time with the Grace Period policy, which is probably over a decade, I've never had issue with it.
14:57 NeoBokrug Elytis Any questions about anything? :)
14:57 NeoBokrug Elytis And did I miss any questions?
14:57 Zahra Ethaniel Actually, I didn't even know there was a grace period, but, that's very nice of you, Neo
14:57 Wordsmith Jarvinen Just a comment that the U.S. goes onto Daylight Shifting Time tomorrow
14:58 NeoBokrug Elytis Thank you Word! That usually gums up event planning.
14:58 Cynthia Farshore What about the railroad and airships?
14:58 Zahra Ethaniel oh yes, I was wondering about the progress on those
14:59 NeoBokrug Elytis Cynthia: They are actually in the works! I have spoken with the builder and we have a great idea for a new design. I've been testing scripts in The Wastelands as part of a different project -- but with similar core functionality.
14:59 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) nods. It did feel rather odd hiding roses and not being run over even once.
15:00 Cynthia Farshore why I ask is I plan major changes to Downs and as you know the track go right through
15:00 NeoBokrug Elytis It will probably be some time, as they participate in some shopping events -- but they're very upfront about that. Since they are doing us a favor, I am fine with that timeline.
15:00 Owlie Bonesworth (jayleden.miles) One of Denver's rollers got me on the could probably find it again, Aeval
15:00 NeoBokrug Elytis Cynthia, I want to work with you on that then. :)
15:01 Cynthia Farshore Yes I was about to suggest we keep in contact on that matter
15:01 NeoBokrug Elytis Okay, that's the top of the hour. As a reminder, Duchy Applications are in the red room in the Guvnah's mansion. Join the discord if you want to. We've got that Flickr photo contest too. :)
15:01 NeoBokrug Elytis And Daylight Saving time is tomorrow.
15:02 Samm Florian And Rose Hunt starts in an hour (I hope)!
15:02 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) And the roses bloom in about an hour :)
15:02 NeoBokrug Elytis Yes! :D
15:02 NeoBokrug Elytis Next year I'll make a Rose. I promise.
15:02 Cynthia Farshore you hope?
15:02 Samm Florian Cross yer toes that all th'scripts work.
15:02 Zahra Ethaniel Yay Rose Hunt!
15:02 Phrynne Samm, what's the hunt website?
15:02 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) There are always a few that are stubborn
15:02 Cynthia Farshore
15:03 Cynthia Farshore I already yhave it open
15:03 Samm Florian That's the safer link
15:03 Phrynne thanks!
15:03 Samm Florian I gotta have words with my domain host about
15:03 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) had one not show in the system so there's a rogue memorial rose out there somewhere. I can't remember which region I hid the original in.
15:03 Cynthia Farshore the other link didn't work for me
15:03 Phrynne same here
15:04 Lady Aeval-Leigh of Speirling (aeval.fae) thinks I still have I need to figure out how to transfer that.
15:05 Samm Florian Ooh
15:05 Samm Florian Actually, if you can redirect it to then that would be perfect.
15:05 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) I am putting together something for the village. I'll be asking for some help and scripting and maybe prizes. Think of it as maybe free exploration challenge in themed builds.
15:05 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) maybe some combat
15:06 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) has spent too much time binge watching labrynth animes
15:06 Nyree Rain Just scrolling through this years roses--AWESOME!!
15:07 Samm Florian Th'fancy ones are th'ones I didn't do. :)
15:08 Wordsmith Jarvinen Grabs the transcript and manages to shove it into a burlap sack despite its struggle.
15:08 Zahra Ethaniel chuckles
15:08 NeoBokrug Elytis Thank you again Word!
15:09 NeoBokrug Elytis Thanks for coming everyone! If you folks have questions about anything, I am almost always online. :)
15:10 Zahra Ethaniel Thanks for the informative meeting, Neo
15:10 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) Hugs the hard working Andrea.
15:10 Katie (katie.canningham) many thanks Neo!
15:10 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) poor neo. sees him sitng behind a desk all day long
15:10 Aury (aurysa) fankies everyone, take care!
15:10 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) dark dank cubicle
15:10 Katie (katie.canningham) hands Andrea a nice cup of tea
15:10 Phrynne thanks, Neo.
15:10 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) ty kaie
15:10 Katie (katie.canningham) welkies!
15:10 Kara of the bright smile (kara2016) That you, Neo.