CVL-Caledon Literary Group Transcript for 2019-06-13

Suzanne Palmer — The Secret Life of Bots

16:56 Valibrarian Gregg I am afraid there has bit little promotion this month! My dad was in the hospital and I have had no time - so I hope we get some attendance.
16:58 Wordsmith Jarvinen I did put out a notice to ISC and the Oxbridge scholars group earlier today.
16:58 Ololo Petya (olopierpa) hallo hallo
16:58 Valibrarian Gregg Hello Ololo
16:58 Vocalist (deeprider) hi everyone
16:58 Valibrarian Gregg hi deeprider
16:58 KayCooper Hello, hello :)
16:58 Valibrarian Gregg hello KayCooper- good to see you again
16:59 Vocalist (deeprider) hi Valibrarian
16:59 Wordsmith Jarvinen Hi Val, Kay, Vocalist, and Petya
17:00 Vocalist (deeprider) haha
17:01 Valibrarian Gregg I see there is a discussion notecard in the gold vase. TY Wordsmith
17:01 Wordsmith Jarvinen And the story itself is at
17:01 KayCooper Hi Andrea :)
17:02 Valibrarian Gregg welcome Andrea
17:02 Wordsmith Jarvinen Val, any prelude you want to give?
17:02 Wordsmith Jarvinen Hi Andrea. Welcome
17:02 Ololo Petya (olopierpa) Hallo Andrea
17:02 KayCooper Hi Patty :)
17:02 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) hi
17:02 Patty Poppy (autopilotpatty.poppy) Hi Kay :)
17:02 Patty Poppy (autopilotpatty.poppy) Hi everyone
17:03 Valibrarian Gregg Just a reminder that we collaborate with two groups: Oxbridge Caledon and Community Virtual Library- 2nd THURS of month at 5
17:03 Wordsmith Jarvinen Hi Patty. Welcome
17:03 Valibrarian Gregg Next month we will again be over at the CVL campfire :)
17:03 Patty Poppy (autopilotpatty.poppy) thanks, Word.
17:03 Valibrarian Gregg And our story this month is a wonderful sci-fi one!
17:04 Wordsmith Jarvinen Short notecard in the figurine in front of me on the table.
17:04 Valibrarian Gregg Also- last month, Wordsmith and I were able to share a science fiction reading- for "May the 4th be with you!" on May 4
17:04 Valibrarian Gregg It was fun :)
17:05 Wordsmith Jarvinen It was. And I have another Bradbury short story for doing it again. :)
17:06 Valibrarian Gregg ooh that sounds great!
17:06 Valibrarian Gregg Do you have an event planned?
17:06 Vocalist (deeprider) how are these discussions going usually?
17:06 Wordsmith Jarvinen No, just remembered a good story from the Martian Chronicles and found it online.
17:07 KayCooper Ah, love the Martian Chronicles
17:07 Valibrarian Gregg These discussion are just wonderful- so many cool sci-fi topics come up
17:07 Wordsmith Jarvinen One called: Night Meeting.
17:07 Valibrarian Gregg Perhaps one of our meetings could be a read-aloud? might be fun
17:07 KayCooper ...been ages since I read them though
17:08 Wordsmith Jarvinen We could do that -- anything fun and community building.
17:08 Valibrarian Gregg yes! and volunteers could read sections?
17:08 Wordsmith Jarvinen So, tonight, The Secret Life of Bots
17:08 Valibrarian Gregg The starting sentence and paragraph: "I have been activated, therefore I have a purpose, the bot thought. I have a purpose, therefore I serve."
17:09 Valibrarian Gregg I LOVE the opening!
17:09 Valibrarian Gregg but it reminded me of the Twilight Zone episode "To Serve Man"--- anyone familiar?
17:10 Wordsmith Jarvinen I've been reading a book on (OMG) writing by Sol Stein. He makes the point that an author has a very small window to catch a potential reader's interest.
17:10 Wordsmith Jarvinen It's a cookbook, Val.
17:10 Valibrarian Gregg yes! cooked up to serve!
17:10 Patty Poppy (autopilotpatty.poppy) To serve man cookbook?
17:10 Patty Poppy (autopilotpatty.poppy) /me looks around. Am I in the right place?
17:11 Patty Poppy (autopilotpatty.poppy) lol
17:11 KayCooper That first sentence worked well to draw you in, I think
17:11 Wordsmith Jarvinen The Twilight Zone episode that Val just mentioned, Patty.
17:11 Patty Poppy (autopilotpatty.poppy) yes..
17:11 Valibrarian Gregg and the bot's idea of serving with purpose reminded me of that cookbook!
17:11 Valibrarian Gregg It was a good opening for sure.
17:11 Patty Poppy (autopilotpatty.poppy) yes I understand. I was being ... funny?
17:11 Patty Poppy (autopilotpatty.poppy) I'll be quiet now :)
17:12 KayCooper ...when text doesn't properly convey tone...
17:12 Wordsmith Jarvinen I have a purpose, but down in the 900's on the list of things.
17:12 Valibrarian Gregg Patty Poppy- please keep at it! confuse us if you can lol
17:12 Patty Poppy (autopilotpatty.poppy) I'll try! ha
17:13 Valibrarian Gregg I love to have a purpose and also to serve....but I am not a bot (I hope)
17:13 Wordsmith Jarvinen This isn't formal; and I'm just nudging the discussion a bit.. Speak up.
17:13 KayCooper Little did the little bot know, what its true purpose would ultimately be
17:13 Wordsmith Jarvinen I thought of the Thomas the Tank Engine idea of being "a really useful engine".
17:14 Valibrarian Gregg Did you feel the bots described were believable?
17:14 Valibrarian Gregg oh yes! hehe Thomas line fits!
17:14 KayCooper For some reason, I find all these creatures in these stories, robot or otherwise, to be adorable
17:15 Valibrarian Gregg Social robots are actually used in Japan and some other countries- as caregivers.
17:15 Wordsmith Jarvinen I was surprised at the small size described, and felt the bot conversations were well done.
17:15 KayCooper Yes, their conversations were great
17:16 Valibrarian Gregg I read some recent research that children in a study preferred the social robots to pets because: 1. less messy 2. no smell 3. always available and 4. do not argue (very cooperative)
17:16 KayCooper The different perspective of the old "problematic" bot vs the newer models
17:16 KayCooper The moment we manufacture believable robot pets, I will have one
17:17 Wordsmith Jarvinen Although the humans seemed to regard innovation as a negative, even after the bot saved their wagon.
17:18 KayCooper I think this shows that you always need to be able to think outside the box
17:18 Valibrarian Gregg Why do you think they regard them as negative? jealousy/ fear?
17:18 Valibrarian Gregg distrust?
17:18 KayCooper Maybe because they couldn't control it
17:18 Wordsmith Jarvinen More, we didn't order it and it was unexpected, so destroy the bot.
17:19 KayCooper I suppose robots having their own ideas could be dangerous in certain circumstances
17:19 Valibrarian Gregg ok- yes- lack of control
17:19 Valibrarian Gregg Leads to the common theme of robot overlords! Which scientists argue about
17:20 Wordsmith Jarvinen The physics setting: you have to get up a lot of speed, reach a special point in space, and you jump to somewhere else in space.
17:20 Valibrarian Gregg Some futurists think a "super AI sentient consciousness" could develop at some point and others say impossible.
17:21 Valibrarian Gregg Wordsmith- do you think that hyperjump in space is possible (reminds me of time travel)
17:22 Wordsmith Jarvinen In some ways, it was equivalent to a wormhole, just with the added requirement of building speed, as if there's a barrier you need the energy to get through.
17:23 Wordsmith Jarvinen It's a bit less grandiose in concept that having a "warp drive".
17:24 KayCooper That grounds things a bit and adds some extra things to deal with
17:24 KayCooper So it's not too easy
17:25 Wordsmith Jarvinen And it works for the story to create a single interception point.
17:25 KayCooper nods
17:25 Valibrarian Gregg This sentence" “I serve,” the Ship said, and pinged down to the kitchen." Would you say the ship itself is a bot?
17:26 KayCooper Similar
17:26 KayCooper It serves the people
17:26 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) excuse me
17:26 Wordsmith Jarvinen Yes, the commander bot that communicates with the people and the underbots
17:27 Wordsmith Jarvinen The ship, as Kay said, severs the people (and not as in a cookbook)
17:27 KayCooper hehe
17:28 Ololo Petya (olopierpa) here it is
17:28 Wordsmith Jarvinen I thought it an interesting writing nuance that the bot had mantras, almost Dune-like
17:29 Valibrarian Gregg yes!
17:29 Valibrarian Gregg “Please recite the Mantra of Obedience.”

Bot 9 did, and the moment it finished, Ship disconnected.
17:29 KayCooper Those mantras seem to be there to keep the bot under control, almost a kind of brainwashing
17:30 Valibrarian Gregg So- seems like the mantras were "programmed" indeed
17:30 Wordsmith Jarvinen Partly that and partly almost a ritual of preparation.
17:31 Valibrarian Gregg oh true!
17:31 Valibrarian Gregg I like this threat! "Stay away from anyone and anything and everything else, or I will have you melted down and turned into paper clips."
17:31 KayCooper Do they use paper clips in the future?
17:31 Ololo Petya (olopierpa) or paper
17:31 KayCooper exactly
17:32 Valibrarian Gregg right! a mix of antiquity and the future hehe
17:32 Patty Poppy (autopilotpatty.poppy) free dj software
17:32 Wordsmith Jarvinen Likely, so other threat would emerge.
17:32 Patty Poppy (autopilotpatty.poppy) oops sorry.
17:32 Phrynne sorry for the lateness
17:32 Wordsmith Jarvinen Hi, Phrynne
17:32 Patty Poppy (autopilotpatty.poppy) Hi Phrynne
17:33 Phrynne /me waves at everyone
17:33 Ololo Petya (olopierpa) hi Phrynne
17:33 KayCooper Hi Phrynne
17:33 Wordsmith Jarvinen And do feel free to speak up and have some fun, Patty.
17:33 Valibrarian Gregg Interesting here " I do not expect they can tell a silkbot from a multibot"--- did anyone get a mental picture?
17:34 Patty Poppy (autopilotpatty.poppy) thanks. I will. just getting a feel for what this is all about.
17:34 Wordsmith Jarvinen So, the #9 chases the rat-bug (rat-spider) who has spun a trap of filaments.
17:35 Wordsmith Jarvinen That's the learning situation that gets generalized.
17:35 Valibrarian Gregg Which means a "living being" chased by a programmed machine- right?
17:35 Wordsmith Jarvinen Seems right.
17:35 Valibrarian Gregg Not to imply that all living beings should never be chased!
17:36 Wordsmith Jarvinen There are many uses to chasing.
17:36 Valibrarian Gregg Just interesting as it messes with Asimov's rules of robots
17:36 Valibrarian Gregg a bit
17:37 Wordsmith Jarvinen Would Asimov's robots be able to take out the aliens?
17:37 Phrynne That might depend on whether they recognized them *as* aliens.
17:37 Valibrarian Gregg hhmmm good question
17:38 Wordsmith Jarvinen Non-human aliens at that.
17:38 Valibrarian Gregg The 3 Laws:
17:38 Valibrarian Gregg First Law
A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
Second Law
A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
Third Law
A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws
17:38 Valibrarian Gregg so only deals with humans actually
17:38 Valibrarian Gregg not all life forms
17:38 Phrynne so it depends on whether the aliens look enough like humans to confuse the bots
17:38 Phrynne in that situation
17:39 Valibrarian Gregg Those self-centered humans! No wonder the robots hate us hehe
17:40 Wordsmith Jarvinen Some nice description of the robots weaving their web; hull bots for transportation, silk bots for laying fibers
17:40 Wordsmith Jarvinen And a fortunate human decision to shut off power and lay low
17:40 Valibrarian Gregg Self-driving cars will be programmed (I read) to make quick judgment calls about which probability protects the most life. Ex: whether to swerve to miss the cat in the road or crash into a tree at a certain speed
17:41 Valibrarian Gregg yes- specific robot "purposes" in their service
17:42 Valibrarian Gregg Some people say that self driving cars will be much better drivers than we are!
17:42 KayCooper I love how he saved that one bot by attaching it to his back
17:42 Valibrarian Gregg Because they will have SO much more data available
17:42 Phrynne I'm not sure they'd be good for us, though.
17:42 Wordsmith Jarvinen The interesting aspect with those is likely eliminating traffic lights.
17:43 Valibrarian Gregg true Phrynne- seems every tech advancement is at a cost- a sacrifice of a freedom, privacy or something
17:43 Phrynne that's an awful lot of trust to place in cyberelectronics.
17:43 KayCooper A lot of people are bad drivers though, not great either way really
17:43 Patty Poppy (autopilotpatty.poppy) I agree, PHrynne. They will make us even less responsible, I think. This next decade is going to be interesting.
17:43 Phrynne How about a sacrifice of mental ability? It takes experience and knowledge to drive.
17:43 Valibrarian Gregg yes Wordsmith- and we will be free to do other things during travel time
17:43 Valibrarian Gregg not just watching the road
17:44 Phrynne There's already a study about how relying on automated navigation is keeping people from using their minds for connecting patterns
17:44 Valibrarian Gregg True Phrynne! but technology is already robbing us of so much thinking- young people sometimes would rather just google it than try to remember or think for themselves
17:44 Ololo Petya (olopierpa) and calculators have taken away the ability of doing arithmetic by hand...
17:44 Valibrarian Gregg GPS makes learning map skills almost irrelevant
17:45 Phrynne Ololo, I'm from the slide-rule era; I don't regret calculators
17:45 Patty Poppy (autopilotpatty.poppy) yes. I know of a few who rely way to much on their GPS for navigation. They are always getting lost even when they know their region..
17:45 Ololo Petya (olopierpa) :)
17:45 Valibrarian Gregg Cardinal directions? unnecessary- just follow the dot
17:45 Valibrarian Gregg and YOU are the center of the universe- N S E W those directions just center around you (that is the new mode)
17:45 Valibrarian Gregg which is sad
17:46 Patty Poppy (autopilotpatty.poppy) true... like we need that... :)
17:46 Valibrarian Gregg to lose your "small" place in space
17:46 Valibrarian Gregg and the big data companies know exactly where you are at all times due to GPS :)
17:47 Valibrarian Gregg /me is presenting on the topic of privacy tomorrow in SL at the Nonprofit Commons
17:47 Wordsmith Jarvinen Ahh, so you have recited that mantra in preparation. ;)
17:47 Valibrarian Gregg Sounds like we could come up with our own sci-fi mantras!
17:47 Valibrarian Gregg hehe
17:48 Valibrarian Gregg and the funny thing is they are not science fiction- but reality! the line gets blurry sometimes
17:48 Patty Poppy (autopilotpatty.poppy) more and more very year, it seems
17:49 Patty Poppy (autopilotpatty.poppy) *every
17:50 Valibrarian Gregg Is the old adage still true? "The more things change, the more they stay the same"?
17:50 Ololo Petya (olopierpa) hmmm
17:50 Wordsmith Jarvinen There's a story about a computer scientist back in the 1980's who wasn't convinced about the computer chip market. Asked rather ironically if they were going to put chips in doorknobs.
17:50 Valibrarian Gregg haha The IoT is coming! (Internet of Things)
17:51 Valibrarian Gregg What did you think of the story's ending?
17:51 Wordsmith Jarvinen Not so many years later, the somewhat sarcastic remark was the reality.
17:51 Valibrarian Gregg exactly! What we think is outrageous or impossible....may become reality.
17:52 Wordsmith Jarvinen The ship itself was able to be not completely forthcoming with the humans.
17:52 Valibrarian Gregg I suppose that may be the real theme of the story?
17:52 Wordsmith Jarvinen Well, I can show them scrap from X, they'll never know the difference.
17:52 KayCooper So the little bot's irregularity is becoming contagious in a way
17:52 Valibrarian Gregg That moment- the ship takes "real" command with decisions
17:52 Phrynne the ability to think and reason independently
17:53 KayCooper not following commands
17:53 Valibrarian Gregg the Singularity! hah
17:53 Wordsmith Jarvinen Not following stupid commands
17:53 KayCooper Could be the beginning of a whole thing
17:53 Valibrarian Gregg making "better" choices than a human?
17:54 Wordsmith Jarvinen The ship was able to recognize that #9 had created a plan that prevented the ship from being destroyed.
17:54 KayCooper Kind of ungrateful of the humans to order #9 to be destroyed after it saved them
17:56 Valibrarian Gregg /me just dropped 2 notecards about sessions I am doing tomorrow :)
17:56 Wordsmith Jarvinen Yes, while the ship reads the bot the riot act but preserves it.
17:57 Valibrarian Gregg This was a really interesting and well-written story.
17:57 Valibrarian Gregg month- I like the idea of maybe doing a read around?
17:57 Phrynne how does that work?
17:58 Valibrarian Gregg Wordsmith- would that work for the Bradbury story you mentioned?
17:58 Valibrarian Gregg In May- Wordsmith and I did a reading of a sci-fi story and it was really fun.....
17:58 Wordsmith Jarvinen It's basically a conversation, so yes.
17:59 Valibrarian Gregg So we just thought of trying it here for a change
17:59 Wordsmith Jarvinen Here being at the CVL campfire
17:59 Valibrarian Gregg Would you think we just decide who wants to read then?
17:59 Valibrarian Gregg around the campfire?
17:59 Wordsmith Jarvinen That would work
18:00 Wordsmith Jarvinen Sort of passing the sock style
18:00 Valibrarian Gregg Great! Can you send the link to the story?
18:01 Wordsmith Jarvinen Just a sec and I'll have it for you.
18:01 Wordsmith Jarvinen And thank you all for coming and participating.
18:01 Valibrarian Gregg Thank you all! this was great
18:01 KayCooper Great story as always :)
18:01 Valibrarian Gregg And next month will be on July 11 at 5pm
18:02 Ololo Petya (olopierpa) where are these meetings announced?
18:02 Patty Poppy (autopilotpatty.poppy) thank you for letting me listen in today. . Maybe see some of you in the morning for Valibrarian's presentation.
18:03 Valibrarian Gregg Our group at CVL is called Second Life Library 2.0
18:03 Patty Poppy (autopilotpatty.poppy) have a pleasant evening everyone.
18:03 Wordsmith Jarvinen Hey Patty, this is all open meeting
18:03 Patty Poppy (autopilotpatty.poppy) cool. I'll be back. :)
18:03 Wordsmith Jarvinen Glad you could come
18:03 Valibrarian Gregg and our calendar is here
18:03 Patty Poppy (autopilotpatty.poppy) great, thank you!
18:04 Valibrarian Gregg Does that notecard for July 11th look okay? I put the story Wordsmith dropped to me inside it.
18:05 Phrynne looks good
18:05 Ololo Petya (olopierpa) Thank you
18:05 Valibrarian Gregg I think a read around will be fun!
18:05 Wordsmith Jarvinen Well it says June
18:05 Valibrarian Gregg oh TY let me fix
18:06 Valibrarian Gregg better? I guess I was too quick!!
18:06 Valibrarian Gregg and the notecard I gave you for tomorrow night is on an interesting topic!
18:06 Valibrarian Gregg the perils of social media!
18:07 Valibrarian Gregg 6pm tomorrow- different the beach at CVL
18:07 Wordsmith Jarvinen Ideas are alive.
18:08 Valibrarian Gregg In case you cannot come and are interested- here is the list of the 10 reasons Lanier wants us to stop using social media:
18:08 Valibrarian Gregg Interesting to think about....not that people will or can stop!
18:08 KayCooper I don't use a whole lot of social media myself
18:08 KayCooper Bare minimum really
18:09 Valibrarian Gregg met too...but some seems mandatory- for professional use
18:09 Valibrarian Gregg *me too
18:09 KayCooper True
18:09 Valibrarian Gregg Well this has been really fun.... I need to say goodnight
18:09 Valibrarian Gregg TY everyone
18:09 KayCooper Thanks for everything
18:09 Wordsmith Jarvinen Use with thought and reason.
18:09 Ololo Petya (olopierpa) Good night all
18:09 Valibrarian Gregg great job as always Wordsmith
18:09 Wordsmith Jarvinen Thanks.
18:10 Valibrarian Gregg bye for now :)
18:10 Wordsmith Jarvinen Til again.
18:10 KayCooper Bye everyone
18:10 Wordsmith Jarvinen bye Kay
18:17 Phrynne toby manual
18:28 Wordsmith Jarvinen Hi Andrea
18:28 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) hi passing through
18:28 Phrynne hi Andrea
18:28 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) your meeting go well
18:29 Phrynne I think so
18:29 Wordsmith Jarvinen It did. I captured the transcript and have several to put up in the archive
18:29 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) nods
18:30 Andrea Jones (andreajonesms) see you soon
18:30 Phrynne yes
18:31 Wordsmith Jarvinen :) Til then