Discussion of Samuel R. Delany's Time Considered as a Helix of Semi-Precious Stones A rather novel start to a story. Time set in the 3rd quarter of whatever century. Then a jump to biographical history, then a jump to current time. O'Best Beloved .... Tip of the hat to Kipling? Not even my hairdresser knows for sure. The recurring phrase "things that weren't mine" (reversed at the end of the story) In response to "Investigation of organized crime in the city": "I'm so happy I'm disorganized". "Final point of syntax: If the Word is used properly, yuo should never have to think twice about what it means in a given situation. Fine point of usage: Never trust anyone who uses it improperly." Interesting comment on clothes and border between good and bad taste and the fad of the moment. "Oh so dapper and of his time, attired in the bad taste that is oh so tasteful." "She wore a sheath of veiling closed at the neck and wrists with huge brass pins (oh so tastefully on the border of taste)". Word use: Timing? Vocal inflection? Non-verbal communication along with the Word? Delany uses an unusual technique to bring Hawk into the story: mentions directly to the reader that "you haven't heard his name before", then gives a bit of info on "the Hawk", whom Maude had mentioned, and concludes the thought with "someone else entirely". The Singers have the ability to convey information in a manner that causes people to listen and accept it. Compare this with the Bene Gesserit in Dune that possess the "voice of command". Hawk the Singer has the Singers' abilities to make people listen, a published poet at 15, but also self-harms. A connection between art and self-harm? Maud and then Arty the Hawk, both noting that coopetition is possible. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coopetition_(book) Wordsmith 2018-10-11