Caledon Oxbridge General Q&A for 2020-02-02

14:57 Carl Metropolitan I want to apologize to everyone for being late.
14:57 Carl Metropolitan Or nearly late.
14:57 Carl Metropolitan Close enough.
14:58 Carl Metropolitan I hate running in at the last minute!
14:58 Oxbridge Donation Coin R1 (Alternate Lecture Hall) Kara2016 gave a generous donation to help support classes and tutorials at Caledon Oxbridge Gateway.
14:58 Cychwynn Good evening all :)
14:58 Oxbridge Donation Coin R1 (Alternate Lecture Hall) Larky (larkylouz) gave a generous donation to help support classes and tutorials at Caledon Oxbridge Gateway.
14:59 Carl Metropolitan Thank you Kara. Thank you Larky
14:59 Carl Metropolitan And thank you to anyone who donated while I was rushing to get here.
14:59 Kara2016 giggles.
14:59 Carl Metropolitan It is 3 PM, SL Time, and it is time to start.
14:59 Carl Metropolitan Welcome to this Sunday's Oxbridge General Q&A. Andrea and I are here to answer any of your questions about Second Life, Caledon, Oxbridge, Steampunk, Linden Lab, and anything vaguely related to any of the above. I'm also good at trivia questions.
14:59 Carl Metropolitan If we don't know the answer, we can Google it. In other words, we know where to look, or at least can probably put you in touch with someone who does know the answer.
15:01 Carl Metropolitan Let's go directly into questions, I guess. It looks like Andrea is also running late; we can do announcements when she arrives.
15:01 Carl Metropolitan And don't forget next week is second Sunday of the month and time for Q&A With the Deans.
15:01 Carl Metropolitan So—what do you all want to know about SL or Caledon?
15:02 Carl Metropolitan Are there really no questions?
15:03 Carl Metropolitan Hello Phyrnne.
15:03 Cychwynn Yes :)
15:03 Cychwynn How long is the snow said to be staying?
15:03 Carl Metropolitan Usually through the end of February.
15:03 Carl Metropolitan Sometimes it leaves a bit earlier.
15:03 Soup Jonson Thuds
15:03 Carl Metropolitan Depends mostly on who busy Desmond is.
15:04 Cychwynn ahh thank you :)
15:04 Soup Jonson Larky!
15:04 Larky (larkylouz) Hi Soup
15:04 Soup Jonson Hi.
15:04 Gronk Seriman How much grace period is there when somebody is late in a sim payment, and when SL shuts it down?
15:05 Carl Metropolitan That's a good question. And one I don't know the answer to. If you are worried about Caledon, Desmond runs with six months of sim payments in the bank normally.
15:06 Carl Metropolitan Usually, the payments for sim rentals from LL are deducted from a credit card account.
15:06 Gronk Seriman I saw a very popular sim that opened about a month ago go poof. It must have been a lot of work building a place that lasted only a month.
15:07 Carl Metropolitan Sometimes that can be for reasons other than non-payment.
15:07 Carl Metropolitan What was the sim if you don't mind me asking?
15:07 Gronk Seriman Drune.
15:07 Gronk Seriman That was the name of the place. The Sim name...
15:08 Carl Metropolitan The hot button issues that will get LL to shut down a sim right away are violations of the no sexual age-play policy and violations of the no gambling policy.
15:08 Carl Metropolitan They sometimes act quickly for griefing or hate groups; sometimes they ignore those for years. It depends.
15:08 Gronk Seriman The Sim name was Serenity, and it still shows on the World map.
15:10 Gronk Seriman I never thought about the other things that can get a Sim closed. I only thought of money. Duh!
15:10 Carl Metropolitan I see. I wish I could give you more help. It also could be that the sim owner had enough of other residents after just a month of running a sim. Or he or she expected financial support that never emerged.
15:11 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Or there were sudden RL fatalities
15:11 Carl Metropolitan That can also happen.
15:12 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Was it another Firefly sim?
15:12 Gronk Seriman This was a creator that had made several sims before, each nicer than the last. This last one seemed to be a culmination of all the other bits he made.
15:12 Carl Metropolitan Most sims just shut down because the owner does not want to bother any more.
15:13 Phrynne From the Search info, it looks to have been Adult, but there's no other info.
15:14 Gronk Seriman Yes, it was a remarkable Blade Runneresque cyber city.
15:14 Carl Metropolitan IP violations might get a sim shut down, too. More likely, LL would just remove the items and textures that were listed in the DMCA take down notice, but if the entire sim is dedicated to replicating an IP, and suddenly all of the potentially infringing content goes away, then sim owners might not feel like continuing.
15:14 Phrynne Oooh
15:15 Carl Metropolitan One last possibility; the owners just set it to no access to do some work on it.
15:15 Carl Metropolitan Okay. I think that's as much as I can help on that topic. Let's go to the next question.
15:15 Gronk Seriman Thank you!
15:15 Larky (larkylouz) How does one go about finding a music stream for their parcel?
15:16 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Web radios?
15:17 Carl Metropolitan Are you looking for a stream that just runs in the background? Or do you want to DJ a music stream?
15:17 Carl Metropolitan For the first, here are some lists from the web:
15:17 Carl Metropolitan
15:17 Carl Metropolitan
15:17 Carl Metropolitan [15:17] Larky (larkylouz): Just music I like to play in the background when I'm home.
15:17 Larky (larkylouz) Thank you.
15:18 Carl Metropolitan If you want to DJ, there are other services that you can subscribe to that charge you a flat rate for up to a certain number of listeners.
15:19 Larky (larkylouz) No, no interest in DJing.
15:19 Carl Metropolitan Okay
15:19 Carl Metropolitan There is a helpful page on the SL wiki comparing some different services DJs can use, but I can't seem to find it right now.
15:20 Larky (larkylouz) I'll look there, too, if the above doesn't have something suitable.
15:20 Larky (larkylouz) Thanks again.
15:20 Carl Metropolitan Okay. Next question?
15:21 Carl Metropolitan I'm also decent on SL history and stuff about steampunk, too.
15:22 Gronk Seriman What happened to all the Tesla Towers that used to run in Caledon? Did the creator go away? Do they use COPPER WIRES to deliver power to houses now?
15:23 Phrynne wonders if the copper was reclaimed and recycled.
15:23 Carl Metropolitan The towers fell victim to the same thing that took out the Cavorite Mines, the Iron Cloud, the tunnel network under Victoria City, etc. Time and loss of interest in maintaining them.
15:23 Carl Metropolitan They were made of prims and prims are 100% recyclable.
15:24 Carl Metropolitan Unlike this newer mesh stuff that just does not break down naturally in the environment!
15:24 Phrynne I thought the tunnels just sort of filled in when people were moving land around nearby.
15:24 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) So mesh is made of plastic? :-)
15:25 Carl Metropolitan I would guess that the original [Tesla Tower] builds were kind of primmy, and that contributed to the lack of interest in maintaining them.
15:25 Phrynne There are some very nice tunnels there now. Not many, but those that are there are good.
15:25 Carl Metropolitan If someone were to make a nice free, mesh, low land impact Tesla tower and send it out to the ISC group, they might sprout again.
15:26 Carl Metropolitan I always wanted to put steam tunnels in under Oxbridge, but never got around to it during the two times I ran the place.
15:26 Felícia Ferraz (jucastt) Or buy them. we can make a motion to donate money to buy.
15:26 Felícia Ferraz (jucastt) If there are something similar available on MP.
15:26 Carl Metropolitan The most important things are mesh and low land impact.
15:26 Carl Metropolitan There may be.
15:26 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) should check if the Elder sign is still there.
15:27 Carl Metropolitan Elder sign is in the Train Station Freebies.
15:28 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) I meant the one in the tunnel.
15:28 Carl Metropolitan There that is for sale for 0L$ if you want one.
15:28 Kara2016 ...might go exploring again… for tunnels.
15:29 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Carriages used to go through that tunnel from the Library to Oxbridge Village.
15:29 Carl Metropolitan It was likely one of mine. Since i sent out the first free Elder Sign around ten years ago, there have been zero uncontained eruptions of the Great Old Ones and their Minions in Caledon.
15:29 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Only cultists who have tried to troll and grief.
15:30 Carl Metropolitan I believe the carriages were returned accidentally during a griefing episode and the person who made them was no longer contactable.
15:30 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Yup.
15:30 Carl Metropolitan Wordsmith and RainyDay (I think) are working on a rebuild in their spare time.
15:30 Carl Metropolitan Oxbridge also had flying gargoyles once.
15:30 Carl Metropolitan They went away when we went from a full sim do a homestead
15:31 Gronk Seriman Is there a good SL hack to detect tunnels in SL? I know of a few places where they are, but they aren't easily findable.
15:31 Carl Metropolitan And now that we have room for them again (as homestead sims have more LI available than they did originally), we can't find them.
15:31 Phrynne Cam down and look around?
15:32 Gronk Seriman I have tried that with mixed results.
15:32 Carl Metropolitan Yes. Go to the Advanced menu, select Rendering Types, and from that menu deselect "Surface Patch"
15:32 Carl Metropolitan That will cause the "ground" to vanish
15:32 Gronk Seriman Ooo!
15:33 Carl Metropolitan Any "ground" you see after deselecting Surface Patch is going to me mesh or prim ground put down
15:33 Carl Metropolitan And you can cam around that if you have disabled your camera constraints
15:33 Carl Metropolitan Go to the Advanced menu again, and select "Disable Camera Constraints".
15:34 Carl Metropolitan You will be able to cam all over the place.
15:34 Carl Metropolitan Even inside prims.
15:34 Carl Metropolitan Or people.
15:34 Felícia Ferraz (jucastt) This feature is perfect to follow all moving of Oxbridge.
15:34 Felícia Ferraz (jucastt) Or detect Intruders on your property
15:35 Gronk Seriman Already did that. It's very helpful.
15:35 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Yup.
15:35 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Checking people in tutorial all the time.
15:35 Soup Jonson Superbowl time!
15:36 Carl Metropolitan Sorry. I had a RL phone call
15:36 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Does not care to cam to Superbowl :-)
15:36 Carl Metropolitan Next question.
15:36 Carl Metropolitan Is that on today?
15:37 Felícia Ferraz (jucastt) I like those Superbowl flashmobs.
15:37 Felícia Ferraz (jucastt) Mostly are remarkable.
15:38 Carl Metropolitan Remember, if you stand in a dark room in front of a mirror and say "superbowl" three times, a NFL IP Lawyer will appear.
15:38 Carl Metropolitan Okay. Are they any other questions?
15:38 Gronk Seriman smirks.
15:38 Carl Metropolitan It sounds like there are not.
15:39 Carl Metropolitan Thank you all for coming. This Q&A would not work without you.
15:39 Carl Metropolitan Or it might, but it would be very boring.
15:39 Carl Metropolitan Or I would start ranting about random stuff.
15:39 Carl Metropolitan See you all in two weeks. Next week is second Sunday and Q&A With the Deans.
15:39 Larky (larkylouz) Thanks, Carl.
15:39 Carl Metropolitan Goodnight everyone!.