Caledon Oxbridge General Q&A for 2020-06-07

15:00 Carl Metropolitan Okay—It is 3 PM, SL Time, and it is time to start.
15:01 Carl Metropolitan Welcome to this Sunday's Oxbridge General Q&A. I am here to answer any of your questions about Second Life, Caledon, Oxbridge, Steampunk, Linden Lab, Virtual Worlds, and anything vaguely related to any of the above. I'm also good at trivia questions.
15:01 Carl Metropolitan If I don't know the answer, I can Google it. In other words, I know where to look, or at least can probably put you in touch with someone who does know the answer.
15:01 Carl Metropolitan We may have a smaller crowd tonight as I think RFL is running this weekend.
15:02 Carl Metropolitan Before we start questions and answers, does anyone have any announcements they would like to make?
15:02 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Still hosting the Writers' Meeting in Thursdays.
15:03 ShaRa Ishtar (shannonraven) What is RFL, please?
15:03 Carl Metropolitan Thank you. Time and place?
15:03 Carl Metropolitan RFL = Relay for Life
15:03 Carl Metropolitan A fundraiser for the American Cancer Society
15:03 Carl Metropolitan It is run annually in SL across specially constructed sims and builds.
15:03 ShaRa Ishtar (shannonraven) TY
15:04 Carl Metropolitan RFL originated in the real world with people running and walking to gather pledges of donations towards the ACS.
15:04 Carl Metropolitan I guess we are into questions now as I just answered the first one :)
15:04 ShaRa Ishtar (shannonraven) It's a US thing then?
15:05 Ember (emberell) So in SL, what does RFL do? For those of us who might not know.
15:05 Carl Metropolitan Mostly a US thing.
15:05 Carl Metropolitan Relay for Life raises money for the American Cancer Society.
15:06 Ember (emberell) There is usually an RFL walk... I think it's still up a little longer.
15:06 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Writers' Meeting is 11:00 AM SLt in Oxbridge Village reading room.
15:06 Carl Metropolitan SL RFL webpage:
15:06 Kara2016 And it celebrates cancer survivors and caregivers.
15:07 Carl Metropolitan Next question?
15:08 Carl Metropolitan Hmm...
15:08 Carl Metropolitan This may be the shortest Q&A on record!
15:08 lovejoy2199 lol
15:09 Cynthia Farshore Carl I'm curious if there is any connection with any part of Caledon and the ASCOT races?
15:09 Carl Metropolitan I don't know what the ASCOT races are, so I'm not sure I can help you. What does ASCOT mean in this context?
15:10 Larky (larkylouz) Isn't that a Rosehaven thing? Because of their proximity to Caledon, there's a lot of crossover in terms of friendships, residents, etc between Rosehaven and Caledon folks.
15:10 Larky (larkylouz) Ascot is a RL race course, as in horses. Rosehaven has an annual RFL even that is a recreation of an early 1900s race event. Lots of fun.
15:11 Carl Metropolitan Ah. Thank you Larky.
15:11 Cychwynn I would love a royal ascot hat event in SL!
15:11 Soup Jonson Me too!
15:11 Carl Metropolitan In SL news, LL officially changed its famous eye-in-hand logo from light green to a bright blue.
15:11 Carl Metropolitan
15:12 Soup Jonson sighs and tosses away his t-shirt with the light green logo.
15:12 Carl Metropolitan I know. Momentous news. I will give everyone a moment to absorb it and how it will undoubtedly affect us all on a deep and personal level.
15:12 ShaRa Ishtar (shannonraven) Great news—thanks for letting us know.
15:13 Larky (larkylouz) LOL
15:13 Ember (emberell) On the other hand... maybe it is important news.
15:13 Soup Jonson turns to Ember
15:13 ShaRa Ishtar (shannonraven) Do they hand out free T-Shirts with the new logo?
15:13 Carl Metropolitan Unknown at this point.
15:13 ShaRa Ishtar (shannonraven) LOL
15:14 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Momentous or monotonous news?
15:15 ShaRa Ishtar (shannonraven) Probably a cost saving thing—blue color is cheaper than green color...
15:15 Cychwynn Both Mr. Elf ;)
15:15 Carl Metropolitan LL is quite possessive of their trademarks especially inside SL, so you can't use the SL logo without their permission. It happens of course, but that stuff will get pulled from SL quickly if LL finds out.
15:15 Carl Metropolitan A company has a legal duty to attempt to enforce trademarks or they can lose them.
15:15 Carl Metropolitan Unlike copyrights where this is not the case.
15:15 Carl Metropolitan Okay. More questions?
15:17 Carl Metropolitan Okay. Another bit of news. Also from Living in a Modem World, SL has made more announcements regarding their in development mobile client:
15:17 Carl Metropolitan
15:17 Carl Metropolitan If you care.
15:18 Carl Metropolitan Initial releases will be text chat and groups and stuff only.
15:18 Ember (emberell) Oh, they're finally putting work into a mobile client?
15:18 Carl Metropolitan No actual view in world.
15:18 Ember (emberell) I know Lumiya isn't supported any more
15:18 Carl Metropolitan Yes. They are going to spend lots of money to produce something with much less capability than Lumiya had.
15:18 Zaida Gearbox (zaida.gearbox) so Sansar was a bust and they decided to pay attention to SL again?
15:18 Carl Metropolitan Yes. They are. Paying attention.
15:19 Carl Metropolitan They are doing a massive cloud migration project for SL this year.
15:19 Carl Metropolitan Sansar was sold to a small start-up.
15:19 Carl Metropolitan LL pulled the plug good and hard.
15:19 Carl Metropolitan I'm not surprised. Sansar never left Beta after years and years.
15:20 Ember (emberell) Do you know what broke the camel's back, so to speak?
15:20 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Sansar required too powerful hardware.
15:20 Ember (emberell) I admit I stopped following the topic ages ago.
15:20 Carl Metropolitan Layoffs on the project started in November of last year, and everyone working on it was let go in March of this year, and it went into "maintenance" while LL looked for a buyer.
15:21 Carl Metropolitan Which they found.
15:21 Carl Metropolitan They likely got pennies on the dollar for what they spent.
15:21 Kara2016 Something too look for in the app store.
15:21 Ember (emberell) Yeah. It was a bit of a bust.
15:21 Carl Metropolitan Here is what I wrote on it when Sansar's final round of lay-offs was announced:
15:21 Carl Metropolitan
15:22 Carl Metropolitan And what I wrote when the first round of layoffs was announced back in November:
15:22 Carl Metropolitan
15:22 Cynthia Farshore As I understood you would have to have a rather powerful computer with a high grade video card and people really don't want the eyes covered with a viewer
15:23 Cynthia Farshore Turns out when Sansar did open only the curious peeked in.
15:23 Carl Metropolitan I have a powerful computer with a high end video card and it was still a laggy mess.
15:24 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Lots of VR devices are made for "standard" eyes.
15:24 Carl Metropolitan Yes. And Sansar's embrace of VR was just one in a series of re-directions of the project and the marketing for it.
15:25 Carl Metropolitan Okay. Next question?
15:25 Cynthia Farshore I shop goodwill and saw a shelf full of VR hoods
15:25 Carl Metropolitan I don't thing I have any news.
15:25 Soup Jonson has computer envy of the VR folks.
15:25 lovejoy2199 btw: Do you know what is the theme for SL Birthday Bash?
[Cynthia Farshore answers this question after the end of the Q&A session: “vacations and road trips” as this year’s SL17B theme.]
15:25 Cychwynn VR sickness... not great, lol.
15:26 Zaida Gearbox (zaida.gearbox) I can't imagine sitting here with VR goggles on—my other half gets pissed if i put headphones on.
15:26 Cychwynn I have a semi VR game, I get VR sickness, like motion sickness but on my chair in my living room...
15:27 Ember (emberell) I hear some talk that SL can be made to be compatible with VR goggles— but it's not really built for it.
15:27 Cychwynn Jikes with all the lag... I won't be trying that.
15:27 Carl Metropolitan No. I don't know the theme for SL17B. I have already put out Oxbridge's display, but I did not pay attention to theme as we never really fit in most of them.
15:28 Carl Metropolitan The Oxbridge SL17B display is made of 100% recycled pixels and was previously used at VWBPE 2020!
15:28 Larky (larkylouz) :^)
15:28 Carl Metropolitan I need to get it signed off on.
15:28 Kara2016 smiles brightly.
15:28 lovejoy2199 Ok. But we will have a display this year.
15:29 Carl Metropolitan I was going to do that before the Q&A, but a friend IMed me and wanted to show me her artwork and I got distracted.
15:29 Carl Metropolitan Yes. We will.
15:29 Carl Metropolitan There is no Caledon display, but I think there may be other Caledon-based groups showings tuff.
15:30 Carl Metropolitan "Showing stuff". Though I am sure those groups are quite "tuff" too :)
15:31 Carl Metropolitan Next question? Remember no such thing as a stupid question. I've been here since 2006, and I am still learning stuff I did not know.
15:32 Carl Metropolitan Okay. As there are no other questions, we shall adjourn early this evening!
15:32 Carl Metropolitan Thank you all for coming
15:32 Carl Metropolitan Remember, next Sunday we have Q&A With the Deans
15:33 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) thinks there may not be stupid questions but he has heard irrelevant questions
15:33 Carl Metropolitan It is every 2nd Sunday of the month.
15:33 Carl Metropolitan Most of the Oxbridge Deans will be up here to answer your questions and I will be in the audience :)
15:33 Carl Metropolitan See you all soon.
15:33 Carl Metropolitan Thanks for coming!