Caledon Oxbridge Q&A for 2022-06-12

14:35 Wordsmith Jarvinen Hi Ember :)
14:35 Ember (emberell) Hello, Word. How are you?
14:38 Wordsmith Jarvinen Good, but multiple things going on.
14:38 Ember (emberell) nods
14:38 Ember (emberell) Tora's first class went very well
14:39 Wordsmith Jarvinen Good, I couldn't make it then, but I noticed that she had 7 students
14:40 Ember (emberell) I sat in and gave her some feedback. She's feeling good about it, though.
14:41 Ember (emberell) Welcome, Lovejoy!
14:41 lovejoy2199 Hello Dean
14:42 Wordsmith Jarvinen Welcome, Lovejoy .... long time (grins)
14:42 lovejoy2199 LOL
14:42 lovejoy2199 Greetings Chancellor
14:43 Wordsmith Jarvinen btw, the education reserve map behind me is updated. CDS has moved in (the six sims to the left of the orange one)
14:43 Ember (emberell) Welcome, Phrynne! ❤
14:43 Wordsmith Jarvinen Welcome, Phrynne
14:44 lovejoy2199 btw: Chancellor, and before I forget to ask, is COU going to have an exhibit at SL19B?
14:45 lovejoy2199 hummm...And, what about VWEC? Are they going to have one also?
14:46 Ember (emberell) Hello, Tora, welcome ❤
14:46 lovejoy2199 Hello Phrynne. Hello Tora.
14:46 Phrynne /waves
14:46 Wordsmith Jarvinen I haven't heard anything from Carl about SLB and I haven't had the time, so, I doubt it lovejoy.
14:47 Tora the Exploradora (toraona.thane) howdy howdy, lovejoy and ember!!
14:47 lovejoy2199 Ok
14:47 Ember (emberell) Carl has been quite busy lately
14:47 Phrynne I believe there is going to be an exhibit from Caledon, but that's all I know about it
14:47 Wordsmith Jarvinen I believe both VWEC and CDS will have exhibits
14:48 lovejoy2199 Ahhh. Caledon is going to have one. Nice.
14:48 lovejoy2199 Maybe another airship?
14:51 Wordsmith Jarvinen and Welcome Tora. I noticed you had seven in your class on Friday.
14:51 Phrynne I think Jan Stroikavski may know something about it.
14:52 Tora the Exploradora (toraona.thane) well, to be fair, Beth was there and Ember and Shae and Elf, so if you count friends who want to back you up, lol, yah, i had seven :-P
14:52 Tora the Exploradora (toraona.thane) of course, it's still marked cancel on the calender, i think
14:52 Ember (emberell) Shae is a good student.
14:52 Ember (emberell) It's not actually!
14:52 Wordsmith Jarvinen Welcome, Elf
14:52 Ember (emberell) If you look at the calendar here, you'll see it's been updated to the right time slot on Friday
14:52 Tora the Exploradora (toraona.thane) shae is! she's even coming back to reabsorb next week
14:52 lovejoy2199 Sorry Tora. Just not a good time for me.
14:53 Tora the Exploradora (toraona.thane) wootilyHOOOO, thanks Ember!!
14:53 Ember (emberell) Thank Word- he manages that ❤
14:53 Ember (emberell) Weclome, Chris
14:53 Tora the Exploradora (toraona.thane) oh lol sorry, i MEANT, thank you Word so much!! :-D
14:53 Chris (chrismillernhs) Thank you, Ember
14:54 Tora the Exploradora (toraona.thane) *reaches over and gives her friend Elf a friendly poke*
14:54 Wordsmith Jarvinen Working on a new mesh Presentation Display Screen, Tora
14:54 Tora the Exploradora (toraona.thane) yah, you said that, i think at the VWEC fireside? gotta say, that's exciting :-D
14:55 Wordsmith Jarvinen OMG ... Rainy ... Welcome
14:55 Tora the Exploradora (toraona.thane) can't wait to see it. you're going to leave the script the same?
14:56 lovejoy2199 Hello Rainy
14:56 Wordsmith Jarvinen A few minor changes, because now all the buttons and the number display are faces on a single mesh prim
14:57 Wordsmith Jarvinen Welcome Kara and Chris
14:57 Wordsmith Jarvinen Welcome, Rodrigo
14:57 Ember (emberell) Welcome, Rainy, Kara, Lindal
14:57 Tora the Exploradora (toraona.thane) oh, okies, but it'll handle the notecard exactly the same?
14:57 Ember (emberell) Welcome, Rodrigo!
14:57 Rodrigo (panther155) Hi ^^
14:57 Tora the Exploradora (toraona.thane) i mean, i can learn whatever you write, just curios
14:57 Tora the Exploradora (toraona.thane) hiya Rodrigo!!
14:57 Wordsmith Jarvinen Welcome, Lindal :)
14:57 Rodrigo (panther155) Hey Tora ^^
14:57 Oxbridge Donation Coin R1 (Alternate Lecture Hall) Kara2016 gave a generous donation to help support classes and tutorials at Caledon Oxbridge Gateway.
14:58 Lindal Kidd thank you, Chancellor!
14:58 Oxbridge Donation Coin R1 (Alternate Lecture Hall) Tora the Exploradora (toraona.thane) gave a generous donation to help support classes and tutorials at Caledon Oxbridge Gateway.
14:59 Ember (emberell) Thank you, Kara for your donation to Oxbridge!
14:59 Ember (emberell) And thank YOU, Tora, too! <#
14:59 Ember (emberell) Every bit is so appreciated.
14:59 Tora the Exploradora (toraona.thane) yw :-)
14:59 Oxbridge Donation Coin R1 (Alternate Lecture Hall) Lindal Kidd gave a generous donation to help support classes and tutorials at Caledon Oxbridge Gateway.
14:59 Kara2016 Hugs Rainy and Lindal.
14:59 Kara2016 Lovely dress, Gronk.
14:59 Wordsmith Jarvinen Welcome Shae .... you look familiar .... ;)
14:59 Gronk Seriman Thank you!
14:59 Lindal Kidd waves Hi to Kara and everybody
15:00 Wordsmith Jarvinen Hi, Agatha
15:00 Ember (emberell) Agatha, Robyn, Shaerken, welcome!
15:00 Ember (emberell) And welcome, Gronk!
15:00 Agatha Macbeth Hello once more
15:00 Shaerken Changeheart (changeheartshaerken) grins at Wordsmith. "I've been called many things -- familiar works!"
15:00 Tora the Exploradora (toraona.thane) and the hat dujour is gorgeous, Shae!
15:00 Shaerken Changeheart (changeheartshaerken) tosses popcorn at Tora.
15:00 Ember (emberell) Welcome, Teddy
15:00 Agatha Macbeth is pleased to see Lindal back
15:00 Tora the Exploradora (toraona.thane) haHA!!! catches and devours it!
15:00 Wordsmith Jarvinen Tis the top of the hour, so....
15:00 lovejoy2199 turns down the music stream
15:00 Wordsmith Jarvinen Welcome to this week's Caledon Oxbridge Deans' Q&A. This is an open meeting;
15:00 Wordsmith Jarvinen all are welcome apart from those who intend to misbehave in a disruptive manner.
15:00 Wordsmith Jarvinen Non-disruptive misbehavior is at your discretion.
15:00 Wordsmith Jarvinen Transcripts will be posted after the meeting.
15:00 Wordsmith Jarvinen at
15:00 Lindal Kidd thank you, Miss MacBeth
15:01 Gronk Seriman ...and not a moment sooner.
15:01 Wordsmith Jarvinen Have a few to catch up on Gronk
15:01 Wordsmith Jarvinen What do you have for us from Commons today, Ember?
15:02 Kara2016 we drew a crowd today..
15:02 Robyn Starbrook (robynxre) New Crayons ?
15:02 Ember (emberell) I've been a bit busy with RL today, but I'm making steady progress on an update to the faculty kit materials. I intend ot have that posted this month, assuming things keep going as well as they are.
15:02 Wordsmith Jarvinen Welcome Teddy
15:03 - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- (teddysnugglebear.littlepaws) ✵•.¸,✵°✵.。.✰.. Snuggles Everyone..✰.。.✵°✵,¸.•✵
15:03 Ember (emberell) Besides that, I did want to welcome Rodrigo back as a full Tutor again - he'd left for a time, but has returned to help out at Oxbridge. We are still looking for new tutors, or most anyone else interested in helping out at Oxbridge in some capacity.
15:03 Kara2016 Smiles brightly.
15:03 Ember (emberell) For those interested in that, always do feel free to reach out to me, or any of the other staff here for details. :-)
15:03 Rodrigo (panther155) Thanks ^^
15:03 Ember (emberell) That's all from me this week.
15:04 Wordsmith Jarvinen Thanks, Ember
15:04 Shaerken Changeheart (changeheartshaerken) cheerz!
15:04 Wordsmith Jarvinen Lindal, anything for today?
15:04 Lindal Kidd well
15:05 Lindal Kidd as I expect most of you know, we've resurrected the Avatar Safety class
15:05 Agatha Macbeth Great
15:05 Rodrigo (panther155) yay
15:05 Kara2016 Smiles brightly.
15:05 Ember (emberell) Welcome, Jan!
15:05 Lindal Kidd Because the areas of Land and Shopping have changed so much
15:05 Wordsmith Jarvinen (hi Jan, welcome)
15:05 Jan Stroikavskoi Hi Word :)
15:06 Lindal Kidd I doubt that we will be re-introducing those classes
15:06 Jan Stroikavskoi Thanks Ember!
15:06 Lindal Kidd but I am working on a two part class on Avatar Appearance
15:06 Lindal Kidd part one is nearly complete
15:06 Kara2016 <..looks in mirror..
15:06 Wordsmith Jarvinen That would be excellent to have
15:06 Lindal Kidd I have been spending time on Welcome Island 2
15:07 Lindal Kidd handing out our Freebies notecard to all the newcomers
15:07 Lindal Kidd It includes a LM to Oxbridge of course
15:07 Wordsmith Jarvinen Yay!
15:07 Lindal Kidd so that's my little bit to try and drive traffic our way
15:07 Rodrigo (panther155)
15:07 Tora the Exploradora (toraona.thane) w00t!!
15:08 Lindal Kidd that's it from me!
15:08 Rodrigo (panther155) ^-^
15:08 Shaerken Changeheart (changeheartshaerken) cheerz!
15:09 Wordsmith Jarvinen I talked to Leslea, who owns Happy Hippo. She had mentioned that they had a portal from welcome island. She said it was via Peter Linden during Help Education Quorum's days. I'm going to see if Madori Linden can do the same for us.
15:09 Lindal Kidd that would be splendid
15:09 Ember (emberell) Oh that would be a great help.
15:09 Rodrigo (panther155) Yes
15:10 Wordsmith Jarvinen Financially, we couldn't be better, but our newbies are down to a trickle.
15:10 Tora the Exploradora (toraona.thane) schmooze him, take him out to a hearty lunch of 1's and 0's...
15:10 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Newcomers seem to come one at the time in these days.
15:11 Wordsmith Jarvinen I'm also filling out a Destination Guide request. Took a couple snapshots at the entry point this morning
15:11 Wordsmith Jarvinen I'll make it clear that, while Oxbridge is located within Caledon, it is independently run.
15:12 Ember (emberell) nods
15:14 Wordsmith Jarvinen I haven't updated the visitor graph for today, but as it is it shows the decline in first-day and first-week visitors. We are riding on older avatars and returnees.
15:14 Madeline Clarence Why are there not a lot of newcomers
15:14 Madeline Clarence because they go to social island?
15:14 Phrynne for one thing, it's summer.
15:14 Phrynne people have offline things to do.
15:14 Rodrigo (panther155) nods
15:15 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Numbers of new people go up and down over time.
15:15 Wordsmith Jarvinen And we need the things I just mentioned above. They have to be able to find us.
15:15 Madeline Clarence that confuses me how you said that, Phrynne do you mean newcomers or ?
15:15 Rodrigo (panther155) Yes Wordsmith :)
15:16 Rodrigo (panther155) But how could we do that?
15:16 Tora the Exploradora (toraona.thane) i'm wondering how aware people are of what we do here. I take a LOT of classes. Everybody talks about happy hippo or builders brewery or blender benders, but i don't hear anybody mention oxbridge
15:16 Penelope (penelope90210) waves a hand. I was told to come here by someone who came here themselves. They gave me a landmark on my first day. I don't remember the name of the place.
15:16 Madeline Clarence I was asking because I didn't know if this was said in our meeting because there is an interest in discussion about it
15:16 Ember (emberell) That is mostly how we get people coming in - by referrals, or the odd newcomer by chance.
15:17 Tora the Exploradora (toraona.thane) hmm
15:17 Penelope (penelope90210) They commented on the excellent newcomer program you have here.
15:17 Madeline Clarence like they do a Google search, hear by word of mouth, 1. to go to second life and 2 to go to Oxbridge?
15:17 Madeline Clarence I have not been in second life in a long time
15:18 Wordsmith Jarvinen Getting a portal from welcome Island would help a bunch as well as a better listing in the destination guide.
15:18 Madeline Clarence and I have not really learned that much
15:18 Tora the Exploradora (toraona.thane) ok, possible silly question i've been ini SL for 12 years, BUT... are there other newcomer islands? there are, right?
15:18 Lindal Kidd As I understand it, first time logins go to Welcome Island or one of the established gateways like Firestorm or London. Oxbridge isn't a gateway
15:18 Ember (emberell) there are a fair few newcomer places, LL run or user run. I have a list in the faculty kit, Tora
15:18 Rodrigo (panther155) Totally agree, I hope with that portal we get more visitors
15:18 Wordsmith Jarvinen I'm also hoping that, as the education reserve takes off, we start getting student referees from there.
15:18 Tora the Exploradora (toraona.thane) what if we volunteered to spend an hour or so there, like lindal did, brilliant idea, btw, and kind of walk the sandwich board back and forth
15:19 Tora the Exploradora (toraona.thane) okies, i'll check them out. thanks hon
15:19 Madeline Clarence well, maybe it should also be known, the difference of newcomer friendly and for those who may have learning or mental disabilities in which they need continuous attention and help
15:19 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) and lots of newcomers have come here with London group tag
15:19 Lindal Kidd The group that covers Welcome Island is White Tiger Mentors. Treacle Darlances is the head.
15:19 Ember (emberell) nods
15:20 Lindal Kidd Darlandes*
15:20 Shaerken Changeheart (changeheartshaerken) Lawst Paradise (Treacle's region) is currently under renovations.
15:20 Tora the Exploradora (toraona.thane) i'd be willing to volunteer a couple hours a week, if that would help? at the welcome island, i mean
15:20 Shaerken Changeheart (changeheartshaerken) That was announced 3 days ago in their group notices.
15:20 Shaerken Changeheart (changeheartshaerken) They are "closed temporarily"
15:20 Shaerken Changeheart (changeheartshaerken) Are their tutorial/welcome team still working?
15:21 Ember (emberell) It can be quite helpful, Tora, just do be sure not to over extend yourself ❤
15:21 Madeline Clarence is there an agenda I am getting confused about what we are talking about, why, what Oxbridge needs
15:21 Wordsmith Jarvinen btw, I updated the education reserve map on the wall behind me. CDS just moved there six sims in a few days ago (the six sims to the left of the orange one).
15:21 Tora the Exploradora (toraona.thane) lol, promise. i wouldn't do that anyway without an official sanction. i don't really have the standing to represent all of Oxbridge by myself :-P
15:22 Rodrigo (panther155) hehehehe
15:22 Lindal Kidd tjat
15:22 Ember (emberell) There's no official agenda, Madeline, we're just discussing what we might do to better direct people -to- oxbridge.
15:22 Lindal Kidd that's a lot of educational sims!
15:22 Ember (emberell) Staff usually help out on campus on a volunteer basis
15:23 Rodrigo (panther155) nods
15:23 Wordsmith Jarvinen With that, I'm done. so open to questions, and general announcements. And Jan is here to ask about a Caledon exibit at SLB.
15:23 - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- (teddysnugglebear.littlepaws) Raises Hand
15:23 Wordsmith Jarvinen Teddy?
15:24 Jan Stroikavskoi (whispers to Word, not me ;)
15:24 Madeline Clarence Ember there are a lot of issues
15:24 - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- (teddysnugglebear.littlepaws) I will be taking Photo Salon on a Field Trip to SL19B on June 29th
15:25 Wordsmith Jarvinen Nice. As far as I know, CDS and VWEC both will have exhibits there
15:25 Madeline Clarence you may need to research not only steampunk, history, building, architecture, but know how to specifically find and "target" those who are going to be safe, productive community netizens
15:25 - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- (teddysnugglebear.littlepaws) The students will gather in front of the Oxbridge Exhibit for our class photo.
15:25 lovejoy2199 *SMILE*
15:25 Wordsmith Jarvinen And it was mentioned that Caledon as a whole may have one.
15:26 Madeline Clarence the sim is well planned visually but there are social interpersonal actions that will help
15:26 Madeline Clarence 1. sl goals have to support or not interfere with rl goals
15:26 - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- (teddysnugglebear.littlepaws) I am asking for all available staff & members of the University can attend and assist be involved with the class photo\
15:26 Madeline Clarence and rl goals - can be very varied but can also be very well known
15:27 Ember (emberell) I'm unsure if we are going to have an exhibit up this year at SLB, but if I can help set that up, I'd be happy to be there.
15:27 Lindal Kidd what time on the 29th, Teddy?
15:27 - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- (teddysnugglebear.littlepaws) I will be providing a shout out in the group chats prior to the event
15:28 - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- (teddysnugglebear.littlepaws) Yes June 29th
15:28 Madeline Clarence will the exhibit be something to get new members or be to conform to organization standards and expectations?
15:28 Madeline Clarence see this is why I get confused
15:28 - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- (teddysnugglebear.littlepaws) @ 7:30 pm SLT after the lecture
15:28 Madeline Clarence I personally want to see 1 subject discussed at a time
15:28 Ember (emberell) It would help if you weren't talking over Tedy, Madeline.
15:28 Wordsmith Jarvinen As far as I know, Oxbridge will not have an exhibit. I believe tha application time has passed.
15:28 - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- (teddysnugglebear.littlepaws) is that true?
15:29 - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- (teddysnugglebear.littlepaws) I did not know that
15:29 Agatha Macbeth Aww
15:29 Wordsmith Jarvinen Carl has been doing the exhibits and apparently wasn't able to this time.
15:29 Agatha Macbeth Hope he's OK
15:30 Wordsmith Jarvinen Other topics or questions?
15:31 Gronk Seriman raises a hand.
15:31 Wordsmith Jarvinen Gronk?
15:31 Shaerken Changeheart (changeheartshaerken) raises paw (waits patiently in line)
15:32 Gronk Seriman Does anybody have experience using a VPN while in SL? Does a VPN affect SL any?
15:32 Lindal Kidd I use Nord VPN
15:32 Ember (emberell) I haven't used one personally, but I believe it does work fairly reliably with SL. It may depend on the VPN
15:32 Lindal Kidd it does have a small impact on performance, but not serious
15:32 Chris (chrismillernhs) I found that using a VPN slowed it down considerably. At least for me
15:33 Gronk Seriman So the answer is pretty much what I thought. "It depends!"
15:33 Jorge Serapis I haven't had an issue, Gronk.
15:34 Wordsmith Jarvinen It's simply another server bounce that hides your actual location
15:34 Jorge Serapis But I also have a gaming laptop, so I guess the machinery accounts for the performance.
15:34 Rodrigo (panther155) yes Jorge:)
15:36 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) VPN performance may be influenced based on local ISP
15:36 Wordsmith Jarvinen The only SL repercussion I've heard of was several women in different locations that were using the same VPN setup. They got banned from a location because they all appeared to have the same IP address and someone decided that they were being spoofed by one person.
15:36 Tora the Exploradora (toraona.thane) yah, the fastest network will have to slow down to whatever slowest thing is between you and the main office
15:37 Tora the Exploradora (toraona.thane) so to speak. point of origin is a better phrase
15:37 Lindal Kidd I just tested. Connecting to my VPN in the middle of a session caused the viewer to crash. But now that I am back, I am getting 50% better performance, with the vpn
15:37 Tora the Exploradora (toraona.thane) wow! nice!
15:37 Gronk Seriman WITH the VPN?! Wow!
15:37 Agatha Macbeth Interesting
15:38 Lindal Kidd Your Mileage May Vary
15:38 RainyDayRecess :D
15:38 Frigid Cryotank That sounds more like a routing problem than a VPN solution.
15:38 Lindal Kidd nods
15:38 Wordsmith Jarvinen Must be routing its traffic through less congestion
15:39 Jorge Serapis With vpn connection, I'm at a 34.3 frame rate.
15:39 Lindal Kidd about the same here, Jorge
15:39 Tora the Exploradora (toraona.thane) i apologize, everybody, but i have to get to yet another class. see y'all later!
15:40 Wordsmith Jarvinen tc, Tora
15:40 lovejoy2199 Tc
15:40 Wordsmith Jarvinen any other topics?
15:40 Shaerken Changeheart (changeheartshaerken) raises paw
15:40 Gronk Seriman Seeya, Tora!
15:40 Wordsmith Jarvinen Shae?
15:40 Shaerken Changeheart (changeheartshaerken) Q? on a past mention today -- the Education Reserve map -- you said x's denote restricted access -- how does that get determined by your algorithm (or whatever is used), or does it come from the region "owner" directly, or direct recognizance on your part Wordsmith? Thank you.
15:41 Wordsmith Jarvinen I visit (or try to) every sim in the reserve. If it tells me that I don't have permission to enter, I flag it as a closed sim.
15:42 Shaerken Changeheart (changeheartshaerken) TY. I think one may be mismarked -- however, I'll need a day or 3 to test it out with an alt. If I find so, may I IM or notecard you?
15:42 Wordsmith Jarvinen I collect sim information and enter it into a JSON file from which the plot is made.
15:43 Wordsmith Jarvinen You can always IM or notecard me
15:43 Shaerken Changeheart (changeheartshaerken) Paw-some. TY very much that ends my ?.
15:44 Gronk Seriman Apparently, some educators feel it's safer to limit access to their sim. Keep out the riff-raff.
15:44 Jan Stroikavskoi Hi Sig :)
15:44 Shaerken Changeheart (changeheartshaerken) nods at Gronk.
15:44 Sigurd Hammerthall waves quietly
15:44 Ember (emberell) It can help when you don't have staff around to monitor potential troublemakers
15:45 Shaerken Changeheart (changeheartshaerken) nods at Ember
15:45 Wordsmith Jarvinen And it is likely that some K-12 entities will be placed in the reserve and use a reg-API to limit their students to their areas
15:46 Shaerken Changeheart (changeheartshaerken) nods. "A very wise choice from my perspective."
15:48 Wordsmith Jarvinen And some sims were already in the reserve.
15:48 Shaerken Changeheart (changeheartshaerken) nods
15:49 Wordsmith Jarvinen There's a number of Univ of Texas campuses to the upper right of the map
15:49 lovejoy2199 *smile*
15:49 Wordsmith Jarvinen Mayo clinic, NASA Education, National Space Society, Jewish Historical Museum of Monmouth County, to name a few
15:50 Shaerken Changeheart (changeheartshaerken) me cheers and whamps paws.
15:50 Wordsmith Jarvinen And the hope is to attract some universities back into SL.
15:51 Frigid Cryotank Did LL reinstate the academic discount?
15:51 Wordsmith Jarvinen Oh, and Space Station Alpha and Beta are there
15:52 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) has not heard of any of the former places linked to late EduFinland
15:52 Lindal Kidd yes, they put the academic discount back several years ago
15:52 Frigid Cryotank Thank you. Didn't know.
15:53 lovejoy2199 Priming the pump. The more "Ed.' that come, the more students.
15:53 Wordsmith Jarvinen For those moved into the reserve, the move is free. If it isn't a good match, a move out is free (i.e. one free round trip).
15:54 Wordsmith Jarvinen And any existing discounts don't change with the move
15:54 Wordsmith Jarvinen (but all the moves go through Madori Linden, not the normal support process)
15:55 Wordsmith Jarvinen Yes, Lovejoy. Institutions mean students, and students new to SL. And Oxbridge already has a portal from the landing area of the VWEC resource sim.
15:57 Wordsmith Jarvinen Any last quick questions or topics?
15:58 Wordsmith Jarvinen And Shae, feel free to add anything I've missed on the reserve, etc
15:58 Shaerken Changeheart (changeheartshaerken) Ty you, I'll be in touch, I may be mistaken.
15:59 Wordsmith Jarvinen And hearing no more topics raised,
15:59 Wordsmith Jarvinen We are ........
15:59 Wordsmith Jarvinen Adjourned
15:59 Shaerken Changeheart (changeheartshaerken) darts out to play with the cannon.
15:59 Lindal Kidd applauds
15:59 Gronk Seriman Thank you, Deans!
16:00 Wordsmith Jarvinen Thank you all for coming and participating
16:00 Agatha Macbeth Thanks
16:00 RainyDayRecess Thank you Deans :D
16:00 Robyn Starbrook (robynxre) Thank you
16:00 Rodrigo (panther155) Byeee
16:00 Rodrigo (panther155) Bed time
16:00 Lindal Kidd runs and throws herself off the edge
16:00 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Okay, bedtime for me.
16:01 lovejoy2199 Goodnight Elf.
16:01 Oxbridge Donation Coin R1 (Alternate Lecture Hall) Chris (chrismillernhs) gave a generous donation to help support classes and tutorials at Caledon Oxbridge Gateway.
16:01 Agatha Macbeth Sweet dreams
16:01 lovejoy2199 Take care. And, stay safe.
16:01 Ember (emberell) Thank you for your donation, Chris
16:01 Wordsmith Jarvinen ty Cris, Much appreciated
16:01 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Hold he fort
16:01 Jan Stroikavskoi Thank you :)
16:01 Elfbiter Skysmith (elfbiter) Be seeing you
16:01 RainyDayRecess Sweet Dreams EB
16:02 Jan Stroikavskoi Hugs Rainy :)
16:02 Jan Stroikavskoi Bye for now Word and Ember!
16:02 Ember (emberell) Do take care, Jan. It's always lovely seeing you ❤
16:02 Sigurd Hammerthall Nice to see everyone.